"Whatever it takes"

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Makarov's gun was getting closer and closer to my neck, my eyes never left Makarov's eyes....

I felt a strong shiver all over my spine...I am dying of fear. There are few things or reasons why I feel fear and even sometimes I don't even know what fear is.

But Makarov....

He has been one of the biggest reasons why my wounds never stopped bleeding or just never healed. Just having him in front of me, I only remember what he did to me a few years ago....

Fear is paralyzing me, I can't move, speak, breathe properly...I can't even feel the pain of my hand....which was badly injured right now.

"Что случилось, Катрина, кошка зацепила твой язык? (What happened, Katrina, cat got your tongue?)"

"I- I-" I couldn't even form a damn sentence...my eyes were watering.....

"Или мнне называть тебя Хейли Хиллл, или Вена Майерс, или Габби Лукас, или Чарли Калллахан, или мнне называть тебя Мейли Шарлотта Шепард? Скажите мне, потому что я немного заппуталась... с кем я сеййчас разговариваю? (Or should I call you Hailey Hill, or Vienna Myers, or Gabby Lucas, or Charlie Callahan, or should I call you Maely Charliette Shepherd? Tell me, because I'm a little confused? Who am I talking to right now?)"

I was petrified to hear all the names I've used for all the missions along with my Ghost Team created name and my real name.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh...solo you can talk...hahahha...do you know how much you've been screwing with me? I've given you many chances to stay alive...but you-you don't know how to value your life." Makarov said to me as he gave me a wicked little smile.

"How generous you are." I said sarcastically.

"Yes I am...only when it comes to you...although also your father has been convincing me not to kill you.."

"Lucky me, i guess."

"But- This was the last straw for you. I'm already very very tired of you sabotaging my plans." Makarov said to me as he continued to press his gun against my neck.

"And what will you do? Kill me? You would have done it from the beginning...we wouldn't be in this position right now, don't you think?" I said as I tried to turn my head as best I could to see Hesh.

I noticed that Hesh was moving as stealthily as possible to get to the elevator button panel without Makarov noticing.

"Yes, it would have saved me bad times and a hell of a lot more. If I had killed you in that hotel room...none of this would have happened...but I let your beauty play inside me." Makarov said as he looked at me lustfully.

" FUCK YOU! YOU'RE A BITCH-" I screamed at him but Makarov with his other hand gave me a hard punch in my face making me shut up and turn my face to the opposite side.

Then the elevator started to move...Hesh had hit the button. Makarov turned around and seeing Hesh on the ground started hitting him in the head with his gun.

I quickly grabbed Makarov in a chokehold pulling him away from Hesh. Makarov stood up straight...which I didn't have much of an advantage since he was taller than me. He took several steps back and slammed me against the wall of the elevator several times until I hurt my head.

I fell to the ground and Makarov pointed his gun at Hesh, although I felt a sharp pain in my head and my vision almost blurred I got up and jumped on Makarov's back taking him in a chokehold again, then the shot from Makarov's gun rang out.

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