"I want to see your face"

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After we were rescued and returned to base, Ghost and I have not had a conversation about what happened between us in the woods.

We had sex and felt a connection beyond just sex.

"Hey, how are you?" I heard Hesh speak to me.
I was putting my guns away in the storage room when I heard Hesh speaking to me from behind.

I turned around as I was still putting everything away- "I'm fine, a little tired but fine."  I told him with a smile.

"We don't talk like we used to, I feel like you replaced me with Ghost Riley." Hesh said laughing.

If he knew what really happened....

"I couldn't replace you." I said walking over to him and giving him a hug.

"Did you know that he and Melina Gates, the sergeant who passed away had a pretty serious relationship? She was going to retire to form a life with him. That's pretty sad." Hesh said.

Of course I had heard about Ghost's former relationship with Melina...but I never wanted to get into it or know more.

"Yeah, I'd heard some things about it." I told him as I put my gear away again.

"She died because of Shepherd. I think that's why he hates you so much." Hesh said helping me.

Hates me? Maybe...but what happened between us ...in the sex...he never did any hate actions or revenge or anything like that.

"I don't think he hates me, Hesh." I said.

"Maybe not. But- I don't know, he seemed pretty upset when he found out who your father was."

"Hesh, I was there, don't you remember dumbass?" I said laughing harder.

"I know! I'm just trying to make conversation with you, since you won't talk to me!" Hesh started laughing too.

"Ugh ya'll get married already." This time we heard Logan enter the storage room but he wasn't alone...Farah, Alex and Ghost came in with him.

"They're a couple?!" Farah asked with an excited look on her face.

I looked at Ghost who was looking at me, then looked at Hesh who was looking at me...we both looked at each other and started laughing.

"Couple? No. We're best friends." I said.

"Yeah- yeah almost siblings. Don't listen to Logan." Hesh Said.

"Yeah- yeah...you've always had a crush on Maely." Logan said.

Hesh looked at Logan wanting to kill him- "I mean- who hasn't?" I said.

"It's true, if I was given a choice between a woman and Charlie, I'll choose Charlie. You're too beautiful and I haven't even seen your face!" Farah said as she laughed.

"Hey- hey ?! You're married to me!!!" Alex said laughing.

I started laughing- "whoops! I think she's mine now."

Farah blew me a kiss and I pretended to smack it on my lips- "I'm jealous." Alex said.

We all started laughing except Ghost.

"What do you think of her?" This time soap walked in and asked Ghost slapping him on the back.

Ghost looked at him and then continued with his equipment- "of who?"

"Charlie Callahan." Soap repeated as he pointed at me.

Ghost gave me a quick look and then put his equipment away again-"she's pretty."

"Just pretty?!" Farah yelled.

"What?? I haven't seen her without her mask." Ghost shot back.

It's true.

"Pretty is too simple a word for her...I wish y'all could see her without her mask." Hesh said looking at me.

This man is quite a lover boy.

"Don't get cheesy on me." I said giving him a slight shove.

"Have you seen her without her mask?" Soap asked him as everyone including Ghost looked at him waiting for Hesh's answer.

"Sure, all of us in my unit have seen each other without our masks."

That's right, again.

"We have a meeting in five minutes." Keegan walked into the storage room and said to all of us.

Everyone started to leave except me and Ghost....
He didn't talk, he just kept putting his belongings away....

I went to open the door to get out of the storage room - "Hesh and you were something?" Ghost asked me.

I stopped and turned around to look at him- "no."

Ghost turned around and stared at me- "it doesn't look like it."

I gave him a smile- "why?"
Why are he's asking me so many questions?!

"I want to see your face."

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