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1 week later:

After the funeral of my adoptive father, Thomas Merrick...there was a beautiful reception where all of Merrick's 'good' friends along with several colleagues were paying their condolences.

Everyone was there...even Task Force 141.

"Sorry to bother you...can we talk privately?" Merrick's lawyer said to me.

I was sitting next to Farah who was consoling me.

"Okay." I said standing up from my seat. We walked outside and stood in front of a lake on ice. It was very cold...

"I just want to leave you everything Merrick left for you." The lawyer started to tell me.

Then he opened his briefcase and took out a folder full of papers.

"This folder is for you. Inside, you will find a letter from Merrick to you. Now-" the lawyer handed the folder to me....

"- I'll be telling you about Merrick's will. Your adoptive father left you everything in your name. The ranch, the cars, the bank accounts will be passed on to you, the debts were paid off several years ago, as well as the ranch and his cars are all in balance. Basically that would be it...Thomas Merrick left everything to your name." The lawyer said reading my father's will.

"Oh-okay." I said.

"Since I have you in front of me...I'll also tell you what Elias Walker, left for you...since you never contacted me." The lawyer said.

That's right...after Elias died, the lawyer contacted Hesh , Logan and me but I never went...I couldn't.....

"The third half of Mr. Walker's farm is yours. As you know the other two parts of the assets of that farm are joined with yours, those parts are also David Walker's and Logan Walker's and he leave an approximate amount of $300,000 dollars in your name." The attorney handed me the papers.

"Thank you." I said trying to give him a friendly smile.

"I will be doing all the paperwork for your accounts and legal documents. I will be communicating with you, I am so sorry for your loss again. Have a nice afternoon." The lawyer shook his hand and then left.

I put the folder on the floor and stood looking out over the lake with my hands inside my coat.

"How are you?" Keegan stood next to me.

"How do you think?" I replied without looking at him.

"I'm so sorry...that you had to see that." Keegan said again.

"See what? My foster father's body fall on me...or watch his head explode in front of me?" I asked.

"All of it."

"Yeah...me too." I replied. We stood for quite a while in silence looking out at the lake.

"You're getting a promotion, aren't you?" I asked. It was the logical thing to do...Keegan was next in line to be our commander.

"Yes...Hesh will be the new captain and you will be promoted to First Lieutenant." Keegan said to me.


"But...first I'll send you to take exams." Keegan said.

I looked at him confused- "Exams? For what?"

"Psychological." Keegan looked at me too.

"Wait- wait...just me?"

"Yes. I need to know how well you're doing, since you're not talking to anyone, we haven't seen you cry or just express yourself. You're blocked-"

"What does that have to do with it? Just because I don't want to express myself about my adoptive father's death doesn't mean I'm going crazy or need psychological help. I'm fine, I'm just- I'm still processing it." I told him.

Then I noticed that the others in our unit were getting closer as they heard us arguing. So were Task Force 141 and Laswell.

"Everything okay?" Hesh asked us.

"Everything Perfect." I told him.

"You will stay out for 2 months, taking necessary therapies and aids. That's an order." Keegan said to me.

"Order? Oh cool, okay. Is that how it's going to be? You'll send me away for 2 months because you think it's necessary? Are you serious?" I said as I crossed my arms.

I know everyone is listening, but I don't give a shit.

"Maely, you need it and you know it. All I'm doing is protecting you from yourself." Keegan said to me again.

"FROM MYSELF?! Fuck you Keegan." I said yelling at him.


This is the first time Keegan yelled at me...I stood quietly looking at him...it was like watching my big brother scolding me.

"I quit." I said.

Keegan's eyes widened in surprise. Hesh put his hand on my shoulder-"what do you say? No."

"I don't accept your resignation." Keegan replied.

"But I will, I resigned. Send someone else to take therapies and a thousand other shits. Do what you want with the unit, I don't give a fuck. I've had enough. Fuck all of you." I took my mask which was in my pocket, walked over to Keegan and took his hand, I put my mask on his hand as I told him everything.

"You're not leaving." Keegan grabbed me by his other hand stopping me.

"You'll never hear from me again." I moved my hand from his grip, I took the folder from the ground and started walking away.

"I'll go talk to her." I heard Hesh say to him.

"Please don't go. Don't-don't go." Logan said to me, I could see his eyes were watery.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug....
"I'm sorry." I let go of him and started walking again.

Until I saw Laswell stand in front of me, blocking my path.

"Callahan, think about what you're doing. I know what you're going through...I know it's hard-"

"Do you know what it's like to lose everyone who really loves you? ONE BY ONE?! Do you know what it's like to grow up watching your parents die in front of you?! First my mother, then Elias and now Merrick...it's a fucking curse. I've had enough. I give up." I said.

"Your mom wouldn't let you." Price said which was standing next to Laswell and behind him was his unit.

"Yeah? And where is she?" I asked with a sad but sarcastic smile.

He was silent.

"You're stressed out, you have hate inside and you're full of depression, you need help. Just calm down and we can-" Laswell said but I interrupted her.

"You don't know anything." I looked her up and down and I rolled my eyes then I bumped into her and her shoulder and continued on my way.

"Maely-" Simon stood in front of me too.

My eyes were full of tears...for which I try not to cry...it was impossible-"move." I said.

Simon looked at me...and without saying a word...he moved.

I started walking until I got to the car, got in the car and rolled down my window since Hesh had followed me.

"What?" I asked him.

"What are you doing? Stop." Hesh told me putting his hands on the door.

"Hesh, don't even try."

"We need you. I need you." Hesh said looking me in the eyes.

I felt a great pain in my head and heart.
"You know...I need you too, but like you said...they need help. I'm tired. I'm sorry."

"No- stop- Maely, please, just talk to me-"

"Thank you for everything, I love you so much, Heshy." I rolled up the window and left.

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