"The Ghosts"

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The helicopter arrives in 5 to 4 hours. I packed my gears along with all my important personal things. I shower and change into my unit uniform. I put my hair in a Russian braid and pulled my hair back so it wouldn't bother me when I have to put on my mask and tactical helmet.

I took off my boots and lay down on the bed, I was so tired.

*knock knock*
"Yes?" I said with my eyes closed.

The door opened and closed again- "are you going to sleep?" Hesh asked me.

"Clearly I'm going to sleep." I said sarcastically.

"But we have-"

"Hesh, helicopter will be here in 4 hours, I'll sleep till they arrive. I set my alarm. Come and lie down with me, yes?" I said patting the empty space on the bed.

Hesh gave a low smile and lay down next to me. Our bodies were extremely close to each other. I felt Hesh's breath on my neck as my ass rubbed against his dick.

"What are we doing?" Hesh asked but almost whispering.


"Why do we always end up in this position? Do you remember the mission in Monaco?"

Monaco...I remember perfectly.
Hesh and I-we had sex in the middle of the mission...it was crazy. We had to guard a 10-window building with our snipers.. We were very horny and without us thinking about it, we fucked wildly. It was good sex.

"If I remember. We said we would never talk about it again..." I told him.

Hesh let out a sigh- "I know."

We promised it would never happen again and we would never talk about it again either. We weren't a couple or anything romantic, we were very good friends and teammates and we should remain what we are.

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We were already in the helicopter on our way to Task Force 141 base. I've heard several things about them...but I've never seen them or worked with them.

"We are arriving, Ghosts." The pilot said.

Me and Hesh started getting ready...what do I mean...putting on our masks. I put on my mask and quickly put on my tactical helmet. We're always in our full gear. We can't let anyone see our faces outside of the unit.

The helicopter landed and we got out. Merrick along with Laswell and a man probably the same age as Merrick, with a hat and beard were waiting for us.

"Charlie...Hesh." Merrick greeted us, we did the greeting.

"ease. Meet Captain Price of Task Force 141 and Laswell." Merrick introduced us.

We accepted their greetings.
We started walking with them to their meeting room.

As we entered I saw my entire unit and several other Task Force 141 and Coalition soldiers.

Among all the soldiers there was one with a skull mask just like my unit...but he was not one of ours. He had the SAS and Task Force 141 emblem...the way he looked and the way he was staring at us intrigued me as to who he was...who was behind that mask?

Hesh and I sat next to our unit.
Laswell walked up to the podium....

"Good afternoon soldiers. We are all together and ready to get to work on the mission." Laswell began to say.

"We'll start with Verdansk...about 5 months ago, Shepherd sent a team consisting of three soldiers from Shadow Company (Roze Helms), Coalition (Golem) and Task Force (Ghost Riley)..."

Ghost Riley?....will that be the man in the skull mask?

"...in order to just infiltrate Verdansk and gather essential information...Ghost Riley communicated with his Captain Price, informing him that inside Verdansk they were attacking the allies, a week later...Shepherd began to arrest American and British soldiers for unknown reasons, Roze Helms tried to assassinate his team Golem and Ghost with orders from Shepherd, Price commanded his unit to successfully protect and rescue Ghost and Golem. Half of Coalition along with two soldiers from Task Force 141 were send to stop a shipment which was all a set up, all of them died along with 2 soldiers (Mara from Coalition) and (Melina Gates from Task Force 141) they were our only witnesses against Shepherd and they got killed."

I looked at the faces of Task Force 141 and when Laswell mentioned the name Melina Gates, they all changed their faces. Who was she?

"We understand that you Ghosts, you had a mission years ago and found corrupt information against Shepherd and others politicians. Charlie Callahan...you're our number one witness."

No way. I can't talk about that mission again...no- I can't.

"Let's mix up the teams for the first mission..." Laswell said.

They started calling the duos...I started talking to Logan and Hesh...they were so funny when they were together, they made me laugh non-stop, I love these boys.

"Ghost Riley and Charlie Callahan."


I looked quickly at this Ghost Riley guy and he looked at me...our eyes started looking at each other in detail.

This is going to be great, huh?

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We were handed our assignments, I walked over to Riley to introduce myself and start working.

"Excuse me, are you Simon 'Ghost' Riley?" I asked him. He turned around and looked at me...he didn't lower his head that much since I'm about 5'10 so he wasn't that tall to me. But- He was still huge though.


"A pleasure-we can-" I started to say opening my folder to read him what we could start working on, but he interrupted me.

"Don't get your hopes up, I just want to get this done." He said raising his voice at me.

Does he really think I'm interested in who he is or am I attracted to him?! I mean yes...he has quite an attractive body and posture...but for God's sake! I just want to get to work.

I rolled my eyes and put my folder down - "stop it - don't get my hopes up? First of all I'm not interested in you and I'm not attracted to you either and secondly just as I seem to annoyed you, you are annoying me too, so fuck off, with a lot of respect, PARTNER." With that I turned around and walked away.

Who the fuck does he think he is?!

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