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{FANART credits: @66lave}

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After Simon and I had that little argument, I went to sleep...even though I was having trouble sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about everything we said to each other. I felt bad for leaving him alone there....

I felt the need to go and lay down to sleep with Hesh because I can't sleep...and then I realized something.....

In all this time I was sleeping with Simon...I never had any problems...I slept in peace. I didn't hear the voices in my head, or feel insomnia...Nothing...I slept like a baby.

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Next day:

It was already 7am and everyone in my unit was finishing training. Merrick was very serious about getting us back in shape. I feel so much pain all over my damn body and my feet! I can't even feel my feet anymore.

"Time. You guys can go get breakfast and shower." Merrick said to us as he turned around and walked away from us.

As usual we dropped to the floor so we could catch our breath again.

"See you guys in the dining room." Keegan told us getting up from the floor.

Logan, Neptune and Kick left with him. Now it was just Hesh and me.

Even though I came back from the mission and Hesh along with the guys have been treating me like a princess even though they always do...Hesh...he was weird with me. I felt him a bit distant or distracted.

And now is the perfect time to ask him what's wrong.

"Hesh...is everything okay?" I asked him.

Hesh were drinking water and hearing my question he lowered the bottle- "what do you mean?"

"You've been really weird since I got back." I said.

"Nah. Everything is fine." Hesh answered me but looked away.

"Don't lie to me."

Hesh turned to look at me- "I like you. I've always liked you, ever since we were 18...you've always been my crush."

Hearing his words I was speechless...my mind went blank...I didn't know what to say to him.


"No- I know. I know the feeling is not the same. To you I will always be your best friend and I understand that. You will be my best friend forever too. I wanted to tell you that because I always wondered what it would be like...to be able to say it freely in front of you." Hesh said to me.

I feel so bad.
"Hesh...I will always love you...but- but I will never-"

"I know, Maely. I know."

"I'm so sorry." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Why him? Why him and not me? It's never me." Hesh asked looking me straight in the eyes.

"W-what?" I asked him.

"Simon Riley. Why him?"

How did he know that?!
"How-how did you know?"

"I'm not blind, Maely. Oh- and not deaf either." Hesh said to me with a sad smile.

"I-I'm sorry- I-"

"Maely, you don't have to apologize. Maybe- maybe in another life...you and I are something. But in this one-we're just platonic love, I think."

And maybe he's right.

"Hesh- I love you so much." I move over to Hesh and gave him a tight hug...I can't lie...I started crying as I hugged him.

"I love you too, Maely."

Minutes passed and we finished hugging each other, Hesh got up from the ground....

"He will break your heart. I hope you're ready for that." Hesh said without looking at me.

"Don't say that-"

"I'm telling you because you're my best friend. He'll break it for you, Maely...time will prove me right. See you in the dining room." Hesh said and walked away from me.

Why does he say that? I don't understand why or what he's trying to get at....

After taking a nice bath and eating... I ended up going to my room.

I lay down and pondered many things until there was a knock at my bedroom door. I quickly put on my mask so I could see who it was.

I opened the door and there he was- "Can we talk?" Simon asked me.

I agreed and let him in...as I closed the door I took off my mask.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked Simon.

"I want to apologize to you, for last night. I let my jealousy blind me and I didn't think clearly about many of the things I said. I understand that Hesh is your best friend...that's something I can't change. So I'm sorry for everything I said, I promise it won't happen again..." Simon said to me.

He was still wearing his mask while his hands were in his pockets.

"I forgive you." I said as I started to give him a smile.

"Why do you always do that?" Simon asked me.

"The what?"

"You forgive so easily...like it's not hard."

"Because it isn't. Fighting your pride is." I said but walked over to him and hugged him.

Simon raised his left hand and began to rub my head very gently. Like if I were a porcelain doll.

"I love you, Maely. I swear I didn't mean to fight you." Simon said.

"Then get down on your knees and prove to me that it's true." I said.

Then Simon stopped hugging me and knelt down- "stop- what are you doing?!" I asked taking his right hand.

"Showing you it's real."

"No! I said it in a joking way! Get up!" I said with a smile and my eyes wide open.

Simon agreed and stood up-"I love you too, Simon Riley."

Simon lifted his mask up to his nose, grabbed me by the back of my head and kissed me.

"Btw...take this. It's for you. Read it when you feel ready." Simon opened one of his pockets of his bulletproof vest and pulled out a letter.

I took the letter in my hands and read what it said on the front-"His future love."

"For me?" I asked confused.

"Yes- for you. Just- just read it when you're ready, there's no rush. When you finish reading it...you can go to me. It doesn't have to be now...just- read it when you're ready." Simon said.

"Okay...but why-" I went to tell him but he planted a huge kiss on my forehead while he grabbed me by the back of my head again.

"I found you" With that he gave me a smile and left the room.

Okay...well...I don't know what just happened.
I sat down on my bed and looked at the letter once again....

"His future love" I said...

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