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All my life I have lived surrounded by luxuries...I have never lacked of anything. Many people in my school envied me because of my social status and the great money my family had.

My father is a very important commander in our nation's armed forces. While my mother is a very important politician in the White House.

I have lived all my life in Washington DC. I have never left this state, not even on vacation. My whole life has always been about studying, behaving well, giving my family a good reputation and repeating the routine.

My parents are never home. They are always busy...in meetings, important trips, presidential campaigns or even wars.

Nohan, my older brother has always been by my side taking care of me in addition to our team of nannies and household staff. He has always been my only close relative.

We have no grandparents, no uncles, no cousins or close relatives.

It's just me and Nohan....always.

Everyone thinks my life is perfect...it may seem perfect...but the sad reality is that it is not.

A person who lives a perfect life, should have daddy issues, mommy issues, abandonment issues etc? No.

My life sucks.

"Maely? Maely?"
I looked at my both sides and all my classmates along with the teacher were looking at me- "yes?"

"are you ok?" The teacher asked me.

I put my hands down from the table and with the garter that was on my wrist I started giving myself little hits with it- "yes- yes I'm fine. Excuse me."

The teacher gave me a smile- "you're welcome!"
I smiled back...but everyone was looking at me.

"I already have your final exam scores! As always...Maely Shepherd was the highest and perfect score!" The teacher said as she handed out the exams to everyone.

As I received mine I looked at the percentage '100%' the teacher gave me a sweet smile....

"Good job, Maely. You have always been an excellent student! You have a very bright future! I know you do!"

I gave her a smile but what good are good grades and being an excellent student if even my own parents don't care about my grades...it's like I don't exist.

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/2 years later/

I had just come home from gymnastics practice when I heard my parents arguing loudly in the kitchen. Nohan was in his room with his headphones very likely....

I walked into the hallway that connected to the kitchen and stood behind the wall-.

"Listen to me Adriakna! It's a very important deal! We are going to get richer! Think about our kids!" my father was saying to my mother.

"No- no! Listen to me! That's treason! Treason to our nation and our jobs! If they catch us they will imprison us and our children-our children will be left without us! They'll freeze our accounts and they'll be out on the street! Think of them! I won't do that!" My mother kept yelling at my father.

Then I heard a loud noise on the islet counter- "THE RUSSIANS WILL GIVE US MORE THAN THE AMERICANS! They will help you in your presidential campaign!-"

"In exchange for what? Extra classified information about our nation?! Are you insane?!"

The Russians? Why my father would make a deal with them?

"You are so stubborn...I will do this with or without you...but I will." My father said lowering his voice.

"You do it. But I will report you. I will not allow this." My mother said...I heard the footsteps of her heels approaching but- but a loud gunshot rang out.

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound...no-this isn't happening...he-he would never do that....

"It's shepherd, I need the cleaning squad at my residence as soon as possible-" my father started talking on the phone.

I took two steps so I could look into the kitchen...when then I saw it all.....

My mother's body on the floor...she was still alive...she was bleeding all over the floor...her eyes fell on me...her eyes- she was in pain.....

As she saw me...she put a hand to her mouth and with her index finger she pointed at me to keep me quiet.....

My tears kept running down my face...I wanted to scream and cry loudly...I was afraid my hands kept shaking...I went to my mother and all my pajamas were filled with her blood.

My father had his back turned talking on the phone...my mother looked at him and then back at me- "call-T-T-" we heard dad go to turn around and my mother pushed me away from her.

I ran out to the stairs on the second floor of the house to call Nohan.

I rushed open the door and Nohan had his back turned with his headphones on. He hadn't heard anything.

I closed the door and walked over to him-"Nohan!" I shook him.

Nohan looking at me and seeing me complete his sight was startled, he took off his headphones- "what happened to you?!"

I covered his mouth- "mom- dad- he shot mom." I told him without stopping crying.

I tried to speak as quietly as possible, but it was impossible....

Nohan got up quickly and opened his closet. He pulled out a computer from a tactical box...it said "UNITED STATES: ADRIANKA CALLAHAN."

He started typing and the only thing I could remember was a name 'Thomas Merrick.'

Nohan wrote to him: 'Mom was murdered.'

And Thomas Merrick's reply was....

'On my way'

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I apologize for these days without being active. I've been dealing in quiet with all the hate and giving myself a time to heal.

I apologize.

I'm back today and the next days with new chapters!🫶✨

Thanks for understanding!❤️

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