"Your eyes"

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After the visit to Katherine's house, we decided to go back and present all the evidence to Price. My brother was somehow innocent. He did nothing with his own free will. I can't let him be incarcerated or I can't let Adrien continue to grow up without his father...I must help him.

We were all in a meeting with Price and Laswell...no one was expecting her to be given the circumstances...but she ended up apologizing...although I still felt a certain level of distrust towards her.

KorTac was also in the meeting room along with us because Nohan and his partner were from KorTac's unit....

I looked from afar at König, he looked tense and confused.

"Nohan, he will help us find Shepherd's whereabouts. He informed us that within a week, Shepherd should be reporting to Russia where Makarov will also be present." Laswell informed us all.

"The mission will be clear, we must catch Shepherd and Makarov, whatever it takes." Laswell said again.

"What do you mean by that?" Soap asked.

"Capture or Kill." Laswell answered him.

We all looked at each other...this mission was going to be our last mission. Everything had to be perfect.

I am more than ready. All my life I have trained for this moment and I will fulfill it as I vowed to do years ago.

/ /

I was walking through the corridors until I reached the medical wing of the base to go see my brother, when someone stopped me.

"Where are you going?" It was Simon.

"I'm going to see my brother." I said as I walked up to him and gave him a loving hug since we couldn't kiss.

Things between Simon and I had been slowly getting better. We were basically a couple and officially treated each other as one.

"And you? What do you have to do?" I asked him letting go of his hug and pointing to the papers in his left hand.

"I have a meeting with Price and Task Force." Simon answered me.

"Oh! Well-"

"Hey, after I finish the meeting...do you want to go out to dinner?"

My heart started pounding....

"A date?" I asked.

"Y-yeah...I don't know if you want to..." Simon told me as he touched the back of his neck.

"I'd love to." I told him with a smile.

"At 8?" Simon asked me.

"Deal, I love you." I told him as I started walking backwards.

"Deal, I love you too."

We both walked away and walked to our respective destinations.

The door to Nohan's room was guarded. 24/7 by an MP , I stood in front of him and showed him my military ID....

"Come in, First Lieutenant Callahan." The MP opened the door for me and stepped aside so I could pass.

"Thank you." I replied to the MP as I walked into the room.

Walking in I could see Nohan looking directly at me. He had nothing to entertain himself so hearing the door was opening he was clearly going to be facing the door.

"Hello, Nohan." I said as I walked over and grabbed a chair.

"Hi" Nohan answered me but he was serious.

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