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{ I wrote this chapter while listening to this song! > Sure thing- Miguel 💞}

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Simon and I left the party as soon as possible and ran to our house...while raindrops were falling....

We laughed non-stop like teenagers running away from everyone without caring about the others. Just us.

Just this moment.

When we arrived at the house we were soaked by the rain...I was walking without my heels already...I turned on the hallway light so I could see.

Simon and I stood there looking at each other while he leaned against the wall and I leaned against the entry table .....

Our eyes never left each other's, it was like if we were having a conversation with them...we were laughing nonsensically...what is this?

"I think- I think I'm ready." Simon said out of nowhere.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked laughing in confusion.

"I kinda like you" Simon said to me.

I was petrified with my mouth open and my eyes wide open...I couldn't believe what I had just heard come out of Simon 'Ghost' Riley's mouth.

"Wait...what?" I asked-"kinda?" I asked again.

Simon looked at the floor....
"Actually...I'm madly in love with you and I absolutely adore you...you're kinda, sorta, basically and pretty much always on my mind...I know that sounds like I'm some weirdo or creepy fucker...I just- like you."

"Why do I feel like I'm misunderstanding this?" I said with a smile trying to hide my nerves.

"Because that's what you want to hear. But I'm telling you in the exact same way you're thinking deep down inside of you." Simon said.

I fell silent and looked at the floor as well....
Is he really serious?!

My heart is beating like crazy! My stomach is full of butterflies, my hands are shaking and I feel like the air is not getting into my lungs anymore.

Why am I feeling like this?

"I- Simon-" I started to speak....

"You don't have to say anything if you don't feel the same way...I get it, you still have feelings for König...or maybe even Hesh...I'm just a stranger who came overnight into your life-"

"Shut up...plot twist Simon....I really like you too."

Simon's eyes fell on me again...his eyes were lit up and I could tell he didn't believe what he had heard either.

"Who fell in love with who first?" I asked him with a chuckle.

"Me" Simon said with a laugh.

"When?" I asked him very curiously.

"Since the forest."

"But- I still need to get to know you more, don't you think?" I said.

"Yes- I know." Simon answered me with a smile.

I walked over to him...and put my hands on his neck...he lowered his head a bit while putting his hands on my waist....

We stood there looking at each other for a few seconds...feeling that strong connection....

I gave him a delicate kiss on his lips...our lips danced together...softly...as our tongues began to meet again as they did the first time.

I pulled away from him a little and ran my index finger from his forehead to his lips... "I really like you." Simon said to me again...

"I like you too." I told him again with a sweet look...

Simon kissed me again and again and again.
"But now...tell me every terrible thing you ever did or lived and let me love you anyway, okay?" I said looking into his eyes.

He was silent for a few minutes.


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{ ⚠️I know, it was a short chapter, I know. Forgive me. I'll be doing another chapter for y'all tonight!

Btw MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 , I'm a little late but MERRY CHRISTMAS❤️! I hope you all had a great Christmas! Love y'all babes and thanks for reading!✨❤️

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