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Arriving at the meeting room, we all settled in next to our teams.

Laswell walked up to the podium- "Good afternoon! I know these last few days have been tough on everyone. But- we already have Shepherd's current location."

I need a vacation. This is draining me.

"He is currently in Sweden." Laswell said.


"Why? And how did you find his location?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, we are getting help from an anonymous person. That person has been sending us full military-style reports on Shepherd and his entire organization." Laswell said.

Hesh and everyone in our unit including me, began to stare at each other in silence as the others talked amongst themselves.

"How can we make sure it's not a trap?" Keegan asked.

"I agree with Keegan." Soap said .
I turned around and looked at the line of Task Force 141 they were all very concerned and confused just like us.

"The information is too clear, it's too good an opportunity to pass up." Laswell said.

I gave a slight sarcastic chuckle- "With all due respect, this is stupid. We don't know who is behind that anonymous person, yes it's a very good opportunity but it could also be an opportunity arranged to bring us down. It's a double edged knife." I said as everyone looked at me.

"For that very reason, your unit will be one of the most important in this mission. You guys have worked in situations much like this....or am I wrong?" Laswell said staring at me.

"Likewise we lost almost half of our unit in a mission like that..." Logan said.

"It's your duty as Ghosts." Laswell said again very serious. This woman sometimes brings me out of my tranquility.

"Why don't you send your Coalition unit?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Excuse me?" Laswell asked me.

"Your Coalition unit can go. they are pretty good or am I wrong?" I asked with bitchy attitude.

I am very annoyed right now.

"Callahan, learn to respect your superiors." Laswell said as she looked back down at her papers evading my question.

I stood up and gave a laugh- "Okay, I'll go. I take no responsibility for innocent blood being spilled, just as it is our duty as Ghosts, you know very well how we work. We have no mercy on anyone, everything that happens...falls on your conscience and responsibility. Have a nice evening, 'superior'..."

With that I turned around and walked out of the meeting room, the others in my unit walked out as well, so they were supporting me.

"That's the Charlie Callahan we know." Logan said slapping me on my helmet.

"An anonymous has been sending them information....I don't know, there's something else behind it. I can feel it in my fucking bones." Kick said.

"What was that?" we all turned and watched Merrick walk towards us.

I rolled my eyes in great annoyance. Sometimes I feel like everyone is stupid and don't have enough capacity to think things through.

"I would do it again, I don't give any fucks." I said responding since everyone was silent.

"I'm not saying you were wrong. You're right, kids. These are the situations you were trained for. But-even if any of you don't want to go, we should go." Merrick said.

So I was right. Never doubt me luvs.

"What's the plan?" Neptune asked. We all looked at Merrick.

"Everyone will work with their assigned partners from day zero. The mission will be undercover." Merrick started to say.

"In what type?" I asked.

"For example, you and your partner, LT. Simon Riley, will work as a newlywed couple."


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