Ep. 1.4 (R) - Patrick, Ava, and Jake

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Jake Nebahe, Patrick Meska, and Ava Liwanag stroll into the courtyard of the Otherworlder Integrated Academy

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Jake Nebahe, Patrick Meska, and Ava Liwanag stroll into the courtyard of the Otherworlder Integrated Academy.

The school is a massive stone fortification, built in the 1600s with high walls, arched windows, and three towers capped with Gothic spires, each flying the flag emblazoned with the crests of the major races: Enchanted, Shifter, and Vampyr. It sits atop a lush, forested hill with a smattering of Enchanted villages surrounding its base.

The Shifter kids are overwhelmed and in awe by the structure's grandeur, given that they live in yurt-filled villages, cleverly and elegantly designed but still far simpler than what they're seeing now.

Patrick lets out a low whistle. "This really is a freakin' castle!" he exclaims. "I thought they were kidding when they described it in the orientation packet."

Jake, taking in the whole scene, murmurs, "It's cold and its dreary. It doesn't look like a castle. It looks more like a prison to me."

"C'mon, guys." Ava, standing in between them, pleads as she crosses her arms over her chest. "We promised ourselves we'd make a go of it, right? We said we'd give it our best shot. So, let's at least try to face this undertaking with a positive attitude, all right?" She looks at each of them hopefully, then gives them her sad puppy dog eyes. "C'mon. What do you say?"

Jake and Patrick roll their eyes simultaneously and let loose low chuckles because this little maneuver of hers works every... single... time.

Ava is sweet and congenial, but by no means a girly girl. In fact, pushed to the extreme, with her back up against the wall, she could easily kick either of their asses. But she has this adorable way of pouting her lips and scrunching her nose that brings out their big brother instincts.

Jake sighs, then responds, "You're right. I know you're right. But I'm not gonna lie. I'm not thrilled being stuck here for the next nine months."

"Me neither." Patrick sighs too, then glances over at Ava. "Look, I guess we didn't read the fine print too carefully, okay? I knew we'd be training with Vamps

and Enchanteds, but I didn't think we'd actually be living with them! Especially in some place like this."

"We'll do what we have to do, Ava." Jake mumbles. "But don't expect us to be enthusiastic about it."

As they wait for the welcome committee to come out and greet them, Jake feels this strange sensation, causing his hackles to rise. But it's not from fear, and he instinctively looks up, catching sight of a pretty girl with long, dark hair and tortoise-shell glasses staring down at him from the Gothic window in the bell tower before them. Taken aback, he's immediately struck by her shy demeanor and her graceful and beguiling features.

And despite being in a crappy mood and wanting to be at this academy like he wants a hole in his head, he can't help but give the pretty girl the tiniest quirk of a smile.

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