S2-Ep. 4.10 (R) - Bigotry Abounds

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": In a tense confrontation at a secluded area of the Shifter compound, Patrick seeks help from Phyllis Kesselman, the mother of his exiled former lover, Stephen. Initially met with hostility, the atmosphere shifts as Patrick shares his urgent need to find Stephen, now entangled with The Resistance.

Through a raw and heartfelt conversation, Patrick and Phyllis navigate past grievances, touching upon their shared history, the deep love between Patrick and Stephen, and the complex web of emotions and responsibility. 

As understanding blossoms, Phyllis offers her assistance, marking a tentative reconciliation and a new ally for Patrick in his quest to help Stephen.

📢 TRIGGER WARNING 📢 - Victor Meska, Patrick's father, is a homophobic ass and his behavior reflects his predjudice and ignorance. None of his beliefs reflect mine or the other characters in the main cast. Also, there's a little bit of violence between Patrick and his dad.


As Patrick leaves the Kesselman trailer, he's careful to keep to the perimeter of the compound, trying to avoid running into anyone from the tribe or, gods forbid, his father. No one can know why he's here and he just doesn't have the energy to make up an excuse on the spot.

As Patrick rounds the corner of the out building that sits behind the Kesselman trailer, he sees a young man, bent over, peering into the Prius.

At the sound of Patrick's footsteps on the gravel, the young man whips around. "Patrick! What are you doing here? Hey!" He points. "Is this your car?"

Patrick clears his throat. "Yeah, Danny, it's mine."

"Oh, man!" Danny laughs." I'm sorry. "I didn't even recognize it."

Patrick pulls out his car keys and clicks the fob to unlock the car door, trying to message to Danny — who has a tendency to talk the ear off of anyone he can corner — that he's in a hurry and can't stop to chat.

With his hand stretched out, Danny cuts Patrick off before he can slip into the car. "Hey, hey... how's it going at that school your father shipped you off to, huh"

Patrick looks around, making sure no one else is roaming the edge of the property, then he forces a smile. "It's good. It's good."

"Yeah? So what's it like?" Danny pries.

Patrick dips his chin in confusion. "What's what like?"

"You know?" Danny continues to press. "Living with the other races? Not so much the Enchanteds, I've actually met a couple of them before, but Vampyrs? Dude! That must suck!"

Danny looks up at the sky, then laughs, and slaps Patrick on the arm. "Suck! Ha, ha! Get it? I made a pun!" He scrunches his face up. "Or was that an innuendo? Or maybe a metaphor? Shit! I always get those confused." He shakes his head as if shaking cobwebs from his addled brain. "Ah, I don't know. Anyway!" he beams. "What's it like, huh? It's gotta be a total nightmare."

Having gotten to know — maybe even become friends with — Farid, Patrick takes offense at Danny's comment. Normally, he'd go to the trouble of straightening Danny out, but he can't get into it now. He's got to get out of here before anyone else sees him.

"Look, man" Patrick insists. "Honestly, I'd stop and tell you all about it, but I borrowed this car and I've got to get it back."

Danny, looking a little hurt at being blown off, steps aside. "Yeah, sure. Of course. Of course"

As Patrick slips in behind the wheel, Danny leans over, placing his hand on the top of the driver's side door, propping it open so they can keep talking. "But we'll get together, right? Next time you're here?"

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