Ep. 3.1 (R) - Mission... Sort of, Impossible / Start SEASON 2

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Headmaster Pierce sits in a large, leather armchair, tapping his fingers absently on his desk as Patrick, Aidan, and Farid sit across from him, awaiting further instructions

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Headmaster Pierce sits in a large, leather armchair, tapping his fingers absently on his desk as Patrick, Aidan, and Farid sit across from him, awaiting further instructions.

Concerned about having to send the first team out on their mission, Headmaster Pierce hesitates, then after a beat, slides three large manilla folders before each of them.

"What are these," Farid asks, reaching for his file.

"They're your mission briefs," Headmaster Pierce replies.

Aidan chuckles. "Too old-school for emails?" he teases.

"What can I say?" Headmaster Pierce shrugs, trying to keep the mood as light as possible for as long as possible. "I'm a traditionalist."

He watches while the boys open their folders and scan through the content inside: maps, photographs, and detailed instructions for their mission.

"I wanted to make sure you read everything very carefully," Headmaster Pierce remarks. "And studies show that we process information better reading it off paper than we do off of screens."

"Really?" Aidan quirks a brow. "And just how old are these studies?" he asks playfully.

Headmaster Pierce tucks in his chin and levels a gaze at Aidan. But instead of chastising him, his lips quirk up ever so slightly. "Sometime this century, I believe." He represses a smile. "Now, may I continue?"

"But of course!" Aidan responds with glee as if he were in control of the meeting.

"Alright, then, let's get to work. " Headmaster Pierce says, faking a sense of enthusiasm. He clears his throat. "So, for this particular mission, you'll be staying with the Kikatuwa tribe for three days under the auspices of Chief Qa'watil. Their compound is about six hours north of here."

Still leafing through his folder, Patrick grunts.

"Patrick?" Headmaster Pierce inquires. "Is there an issue?"

"Not necessarily. But they're a wolf tribe..." Patrick's voice trails off.

"Yes, indeed," Headmaster Pierce confirms. "Normally, I would have sent Jake on this mission, but, of course..." He spreads his hands, acknowledging the obvious. "Anyhow..." he continues. "I'm sure you'll do fine representing the Shifter portion of our delegation. I'm not worried."

Patrick looks dubious. "Well, it definitely would have been better if Jake could go, but I'll certainly do my best," he assures Headmaster Pierce. "You realize, though, that they're one of the tribes who are adamantly opposed to integration?"

Farid turns to Patrick. "Otherworlder integration?"

"Well, yeah, that and any sort of integration, really," Patrick acknowledges. "They're even opposed to integration among Shifter tribes." Patrick straightens in his chair. "Take my tribe for example, the Si'ahl Tribe. It's one of only three tribes to have members from all Shifter species. Most Shifter tribes are single-species and keep to their own. I'd heard that the Kikatuwa tribe made a big stink when our tribe was initially formed--lots of political bickering and inter-tribal intrigue. My father said it was a nightmare. I doubt they'll be our biggest fans."

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