Ep. 2.7 (R) - Into the Field. Into the Forest. Into the Fire.

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On the field at the back of the Academy, Master Achebe has assembled the kids for their first mixed-race exercise

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On the field at the back of the Academy, Master Achebe has assembled the kids for their first mixed-race exercise. He stands before them with his feet spread apart and his hands clasped behind his back.

"Now, I know you all have been waiting for this day for quite some time," Master Achebe says as he flashes them that dazzling smile he's known for, only to be met with grumbles and moans from the kids.

He chuckles to himself and continues. "Enough with the protests. It's absolutely critical that you learn to work in mixed-race teams. Based on yesterday's performance, though, it's more critical than ever that you get things right today. If you can't successfully complete this training exercise, we'll have to have a long talk about your future here at the academy," he cracks a devilishly wide grin, "as you jog with me on my 6:00 am five-mile morning run!"

All the kids' eyes go wide.

It's that last part--the idea of running five miles with Master Achebe at that gods-forsaken hour, trying to justify your very existence at the Academy--that seems to have woken the kids up and forced them to take the exercise seriously.

"Great," he says. "As far as groups when I call your name, go and stand by the marker for your particular team. Team A will consist of Inez, Farid, and Ava."

The three of them congregate around the makeshift marker, a tall stick plunged into the ground with a paper sign bearing the team name and an old, leather knapsack pinned to it. Ava and Farid smile at each other shyly. And while Inez reads the note and checks out the knapsack, Farid and Ava pick up their conversation with the same ease they displayed in the hallway.

Fiona sees this and glowers, balling her fists at her side. Ugh! They're at it again?!  If she were a cartoon character, steam would be pouring out of her ears right about now.

Jake and Patrick also see this and frown, exchanging concerned glances.

"Next up," Master Achebe announces, "Team B." He points to the marker. "Patrick, Aidan, and Fiona." The three gather around the marker for Team B.

Stewing, Fiona stands off by herself with her arms crossed defiantly over her chest. Besides having to be witness, yet again, to the electricity sparking between Ava and Farid, she's also annoyed that she got stuck with Patrick and Aidan. Patrick kinda scares her, to be honest. And Aidan, well, he's really hyper and sort of... odd.

Aidan glances sideways at Patrick and takes a couple of steps away to put some distance between them. Patrick notices this, and confused and insulted, scowls at him.

"And the last team: Team C," Master Achebe finally announces, "will be Cameron, Sebastian, and Jake."

Given their last encounter, the look of indignation on Sebastian and Jake's faces says it all--this is going to be one hell of a long day.

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