Ep. 3.22 (R) - This Is Not The End - End of Episode 3

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": Patrick and Farid approach the warehouse where they believe Aidan is being held. They're searching for a way in. After numerous failed attempts to reach a bank of windows sitting high on a wall, Patrick tells Farid that once he shifts into bear form, to climb up on his back and try and climb in. He does and he's successful. 

After letting Patrick in through a side door, the boys search for Aidan in the dimly lit warehouse and eventually find him in a makeshift office with two Wolf Shifters guarding him.

Farid assures Patrick that they can take down the Shifters and suggests using and ancient Vampyr ability to stun people, making them black out and forget the prior 20-30 minutes. Patrick is skeptical, but Farid suggests if they use the element of surprise, they can make it work.


Before Patrick can say another word, Farid turns and grabs onto the support beam behind them. Silently and effortlessly, he scales up its entire length, moving with such speed, agility, and preternatural grace, it's as if he popped out of the womb a world-class gymnast.

Captivated, Patrick watches as Farid -- like an acrobat on a tightrope -- tiptoes his way along the rafters to a beam in the center of the room.

It's the ideal vantage point because it allows him to see the entire warehouse space as well as the office door.

Farid crouches low and leans back, blending into the shadows to avoid detection. And then, he nods to Patrick, indicating that it's time for him to do his thing.

Patrick returns Farid's nod, his face set with determination. He sucks in a breath and whispers, "Here goes nothing," as he braces himself for the change. He summons his power and feels his body shifting, his bones cracking and snapping back into place, his muscles bulging, and fur sprouting out all over his body. And within seconds, he's in grizzly bear form -- eight feet of sheer might and muscle.

Once the transformation is complete, Patrick lumbers towards the closed office door, each thud of his paws kicking up swirls of dust from the floor. And with an angry roar, he rises onto his hind legs, leans forward, and hits the door with both paws, creating a heavy thudding sound that reverberates throughout the mostly empty space.

Then he backs up and waits.

Within seconds, Serik throws open the door and rushes out of the office, looking first to his left, then to his right, and then straight forward where he's shocked to see an eight-foot grizzly bear standing before him.

Realizing that he and Tabul are going to need backup, Serik stumbles backwards and instinctively reaches for his walkie-talkie. But before he can push the call button, Patrick reaches out, and with a low roar, swats the walkie-talkie out of Serik's hand.

Serik sneers back at him and then immediately shifts into his wolf form.

Slinking forward, he snarls -- his teeth bared and ready to tear into Patrick's flesh.

And in response, Patrick backs up slowly, but not because he's scared, but because he's luring Serik out into the middle of the warehouse floor so Farid can execute his plan.

Serik crouches low and sizes Patrick up before he leaps through the air and lands squarely on Patrick's chest. Leaning in he snarls, baring his teeth and ready to tear into Patrick's flesh.

Clinging to Patrick's fur, Serik snaps his powerful jaws, going in for the throat. But he misses, and with his teeth gnashing air, he manages only to knock Patrick backwards into a pile of cardboard boxes and wooden crates.

Patrick pushes himself up, paws firmly back on the concrete. Annoyed, he lets out an earth-shattering roar before swiping at Serik again. This time, his paw connects with Serik himself, sending him skittering twelve feet across the floor.

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