S2-Ep. 4.13 (R) - The Charm Offensive

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Previously on "The Otheworlders": Arriving at the Enchanted Chancellor's Ball in style, Inez, Ava, and Fiona, dressed in elegant vintage gowns, navigate a hidden magical entrance in a sketchy alley that leads to the red carpet entry of the Chancellor's spelndid residence.

Overwhelmed by the paparazzi, Fiona, as a Vampyr un accustomed to this kind of attention, panics. But she's safely coaxed by Inez through the spotlight. 

Inside the grand ballroom, the girls encounter the charming Chancellor Reneau, the lecherous Vice-Chancellor Longbottom, and the intriguingly handsome Gabriel Reneau, the Chancellor's son, whos shows a particular interest in Fiona.


The Chancellor's guests dance beneath giant chandeliers, hanging from the vaulted ceiling of the ballroom, casting a soft, ethereal light over the expansive dance floor as Ava, Inez, and Fiona stand near the buffet table, trying to figure out how to discreetly slip away and scout out the premises.

They're brainstorming the best way to look for the tablet artifact when Gabriel Reneau, the Chancellor's son, approaches them.

He's tall and lanky, with a beautiful mop of dark, wavy brown hair and bright, glistening, hazel eyes. Gabriel bows, smiles politely at Ava, warmly at Inez, and then zeroes in on Fiona. "I was wondering if the lovely Miss Campbell might be willing to grace me with the next dance?" he says.

Fiona blinks.

She looks back over her shoulder as if trying to locate this mythical "lovely" Miss Campbell Gabriel's referring to, then turns back and points at herself. "You mean me?" she says, arching a brow.

Gabriel nods as the corners of his mouth quirk into a charming smile.

Oh, crap! "Um... okay," Fiona replies.

Well, this is gonna be one big fat disaster! She thinks to herself.

With only the most cursory instruction from Inez on how to dance at a ball, she feels ill-equipped to dance center stage. But she can't risk embarrassing the Hidalgos, so she scoops up the shimmery silver skirt of her dress and rests her hand gently into Gabriel's, letting him lead her onto the dance floor.

As he guides her through the crowd, cold stares and heated murmurs trail behind them.

Gabriel leans over and whispers, "Don't pay them any mind." Placing his hand respectfully on her back to guide her past the throng, he adds, "These people look for any reason to gossip and you're simply the newest target on the scene."

Fiona knows it's her being a Vampyr that's the real topic of conversation, but she appreciates Gabriel's attempt to ease her nerves, nonetheless.

They make their way to the center of the dance floor and the crowd of people surrounding them give them a wide berth. As the music swells, Gabriel gently pulls Fiona closer to him, twirls her around, and in one fluid motion they're off.

Fiona smiles as Gabriel easily takes the lead; but soon, she's dipping her head every few minutes to check her feet, making sure she's not about to step on Gabriel's toes.

After a moment, she looks up. "I'm so sorry about this." She shakes her head in embarrassment. "I'm not very good at slow dancing and I've never, in my life, danced the waltz before."

Gabriel smiles warmly. "You're doing great!"

Fiona nods, concentrating on following Gabriel's footsteps, then suddenly realizes she should probably try and make a little conversation. "Um, do you mind if I ask you what kind of Enchanted you are?"

There's a long pause and she grimaces. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked that! Is that a totally rude thing to do? Like asking a woman her age or if she's pregnant when she's not?"

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