S2-Ep. 5.16 (R) - Plan B... Sort of...

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A/N - Aaaaaaaah!!! So, I was about to wrap up editing this chapter and got this crazy idea to use it to test out some audiobook software and aaaaaaaah!!! 

I LOVE IT!!! ❤️❤️❤️ The audio version of this chapter is soooo good! Their are rough patches and I couldn't get the voices consistent 100% of the time, but aaaaaaaah!!! It worked!

Check out the link in the Author's Note at the end to listen and let me know what you think!


Previously On "The Otherworlders": After hours of unsuccessfully trying to open the lock on Prince Julian's safe, Cameron is beyond frustrated that his plan of alternating fire and ice magic is an epic fail. 

Despite Sebastian and Jake trying to offer suggestions and support, tensions rise as Cameron gets defensive and pushes back at their attempts. 

Acknowledging they're getting nowhere, the boys decide to call it a night until they hear guards heading towards the Safe Room as the last stop on their patrol. 

Needing to think fast, with Cameron's help, they're able to escape getting caught, again, by putting the massive air vents to good use.


The boys, defeated and demoralized, trudge through the ventilation system back to the safety of the guest wing in Prince Julian's palace.

Exhausted, they mumble disgruntled and disappointed 'good nights' to each other as their feet hit the floor, then each retreats to his respective room for the evening.

Inside of his, Sebastian flops onto the plush, goose down bed, it's comforting embrace offering him very little solace.

He closes his eyes and tries to forget the disaster of an evening they've just had. Ultimately, they failed to crack the safe open and have no images of the artifact to send to Master Achebe.

Sebastian buries his face in the pillow, then restless, flips onto his back and stares up at the ceiling, too depressed to sleep.

His mind races, replaying their every moment tonight and trying to figure out where things went so wrong.

None of them wanted to go home as failures; and yet, that's exactly what will happen, despite their best efforts. And they'll be the only team to return to the Academy under the dark cloud of defeat.

Gods! This sucks!

He heaves in a heavy breath.

He knew this mission would most likely be a failure with him at its helm. And as usual, he'd overestimated his abilities. Now Jake and Cameron will also have to suffer his shame, and with absolutely nothing to show for it.


He bolts upright in bed.

Unless there's something else they could do.

A crazy idea strikes him like lightning and suddenly his despair turns to glee.

While his team may not return to the Academy with the information they were dispatched to retrieve, they don't have to end this mission not having done any good at all.

Driven by a sudden rush of adrenaline, Sebastian hops off the bed, grabs his phone and his sword, and heads out to wake Jake and Cameron for a rogue mission that just might bring them a little redemption in the end.


Deep in the basement of the palace, the boys follow Sebastian, their footsteps echoing hollowly in the dank, dimly lit cavern.

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