S2-Ep. 4.5 (R) - Have I Got a Project for You!

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Previously on "The Otherworlders" - The girls got the briefing for their mission, and Fiona's already cranky because it involves attending a fancy ball. The mission is also going to be tricky because the last time Fiona and Ava were together, Fiona rebuffed Ava's attempts to become friends, or at least become friendlier towards each other. Ava is still unaware of Fiona and Farid's history.

Meanwhile, Patrick has recruited Jake and Aidan to help him break into Headmaster Pierce's office to retrieve the key to the Prius so he can go back home and speak to Stephen's mother and find out where Stephen's hiding out.


Aidan is kneeling outside of Headmaster Pierce's office, picking the lock on the door, "You know, when you said 'a little side project'..." He glares up at Patrick. "...I didn't know you meant breaking and entering!"

"Shhh! Seriously! Keep your voice down," Patrick quietly pleads.

Aidan scowls and then gets back to work. After a minute... "Damn!" he says.

"What?" Patrick asks.

"There's a charm on the lock."

"Okay, well, then..." Patrick gestures anxiously. "Uncharm it!"

"It doesn't work like that," Aidan says as he sits back on his heels. "The Headmaster might have used any one of a dozen spells and applied it to the lock, which means there are — I don't even know how many ways to try to open it."

"Just start running the spells then!" Patrick replies through gritted teeth. He's starting to lose his cool.

"Patrick," Aidan sighs. "If I did that, we'd be here all day."

"Fine! Fine!" Patrick throws his hands up and begins to pace the hall, and then after a moment, he returns. "Do all the spells take the same amount of effort, or magic, or whatever?"

Aidan thinks about it a moment. "Well, no, some are fairly simple, while others are pretty complex. Those take a great deal of time and energy."

"Okay, how about this? On our mission, didn't you say that most of Pierce's magic was being used to protect the school?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the case." Aidan replies. "But what has that got to do with..." Suddenly, his eyes light up. "Oh... Ohhh... Ohhhhhh! I see where you're goin' with this." His smile widens. "That's good, Patrick. That's really good!"

Jake leans in, frustrated. "Dudes, it's like you're speaking Greek. What the hell is going on?"

Aidan turns to Jake. "You see, Patrick here, has astutely deduced that in order to conserve his magic, Headmaster Pierce probably used one of the more basic spells to protect the lock."

He turns back to Patrick, "I'm impressed that you'd pick up on that. I mean, I really didn't think you were the type to—"

"Aidan! Focus!" Patrick booms.

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