Ep. 3.13 (R) - That's Just Bonkers!

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We're back!!! 😁

Sorry for the delay, guys. Trust me, I'm working hard to keep that from happening again!

Anyway... just a reminder for those following along in real-time. 

In our last episode, Patrick volunteered to represent the delegation at the tribe's big community meeting and planned to make an excuse for Aidan and Farid so they could go looking for the artifact.

Meanwhile, on their hunt for the tablet fragment, Aidan and Farid run into, and manage to survive, a very tense encounter with some obnoxiously racist Shifter teenagers. Surprisingly, they're saved by Minuk's younger brother, Ahmik, who invites them to a Shifter celebration later that evening.

But you've got to wonder why Ahmik's being so nice to them and what he might be up to. 😱

Oh, and it looks like some of our gang's training will come in very handy during this particular scene, but I doubt you'll be able to guess precisely which training. 🧩😏


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Aidan and Farid approach the massive Spirit House, constructed of aged timber and featuring an impressive door frame with delicately carved etchings illustrating Shifter lore.

Farid looks around to make sure the coast is clear, then jiggles the door handle. "It's locked," he says.

He takes a few steps back and assesses both sides of the building. Then, he turns to Aidan. "Did you notice any windows anywhere?" he asks.

Aidan runs around to both sides of the structure, just to make sure. "Nope! It seems airtight," he reports when he returns.

"Damn!" Farid plants his fists on his hips.

Aidan suddenly cracks a wide grin and gently pushes Farid aside. "Let me have a go at it."

Farid steps back and watches as Aidan pulls out what looks like a long, slim, leather wallet from his back pocket. He gets down on his knees and peaks through the keyhole. Then, leaning back on his heels, he opens up his leather case and pulls out a tool that looks like a dentist's pick. He waggles his brows at Farid and proceeds to slip the pick into the lock.

Farid leans against the building as he peers out over Aidan's head to look for passers-by. After confirming the coast is clear, he looks down and observes--with utter fascination--as Aidan goes to work. "Well, this is quite the development," he says with a smirk. "Who would have guessed that you're not only a Spirit Guardian, but also a thief? Good to know."

Although his head is slightly bent, Farid can still see Aidan crack a slow, sly smile. "Nah..." Aidan says. "I just pick locks for fun. It's sort of a hobby of mine."

"Why on earth would you do that for a hobby?" Farid asks.

Aidan shrugs. "Because I don't know any of the magic used to manipulate them, so I had to learn the old-fashioned way."

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