S2-Ep. 4.7 (R) - Resistance is Futile

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Previously on "The Otherworlders" - Ava and Inez are chatting on the train, on their way to the Hidalgo estate where they'll be staying during their mission. Ava tries to include Fiona in their conversation and then also subtly tries to pry information from her about Farid. The results, unfortunately, are the exact opposite from the goal Ava had, and she ends up pushing Fiona away as Fiona gets increasingly uncomfortable the conversation.

When the girls reach their destination, they're awestruck by the Hidalgo family's home. Inez's house is an opulent Mediterranean mansion, complete with a Telekinetic butler. 

Later, Sr. Hidalgo has a serious conversation with his elder daughter, Marisol, expressing his concerns about Inez attending the Academy. He feels guilty having had to send her there because of an age-old family obligation to the Otherworlder High Council.


In the post-dinner tranquility, Sr. Hidalgo, Marisol, and Inez are nestled comfortably in the living room, engaged in light conversation. Behind them, grand French doors reveal a sprawling patio adorned with luxurious teak outdoor furniture and trellises overflowing with bougainvillea in a riot of red, yellow, and orange hues.

Fiona, who had been maintaining a polite distance from the group, ventures out onto the patio. Wrapping her arms around herself, she approaches the low stone wall enclosing the patio and gazes up at the star-studded night sky.

Despite her fondness for Inez and her family, Fiona is worn out. She's weary of obligatory smiles, drained from the constant small talk, and, if she's being honest, feeling increasingly isolated as the only Vampyr among them.

A sound pulls Fiona from her thoughts. She turns to see Ava stepping through another set of French doors on the opposite side of the patio. Ava carries a tray laden with mini-sandwiches, fresh fruit, and a plate of warm, freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. Ava places the tray on the patio table, removing the plate of sandwiches and the bowl of fruit and setting them aside.

Fiona watches her with a puzzled expression. "What's all this for?"

Ava straightens and grins, "Hector asked the cook to bake cookies for dessert." She shrugs, "Apparently, they're Inez's favorite. I was in the kitchen getting some water, so I offered to bring the tray."

Fiona's gaze narrows, and she gestures towards the other food on the table. "No, I mean that."

Ava follows her gaze to the sandwiches and fruit. "Oh, that! I noticed you didn't eat lunch on the train today, and you barely touched your dinner." She picks up the plate and offers it to Fiona. "I thought you might be hungry, so I asked if they had anything in the kitchen that could make a good snack." She laughs, "I think Hector got a bit carried away with the pesto chicken, but hey! It's healthy!"

Fiona frowns at the plate, then looks up at Ava, "Why are you doing this?"

Taken aback, Ava lowers the plate and cocks her head, a look of surprise and confusion on her face. "Well, I believe no one should skip meals. It can lead to mental fog and lethargy, and--"

"No," Fiona interrupts. "I mean, why are you making all these gestures? This..." She points to the sandwiches. "...and at the archery range earlier? I don't understand."

"I'm just trying to get to know you, Fiona," Ava responds. "I'm just being friendly."

"Well, you know what?" Fiona retorts, "I wish you would stop."

Ava, taken aback, looks around as if seeking a witness to this bewildering exchange. "Seriously? Have I done something to upset you?"

Fiona rolls her eyes and turns away. She hugs herself tighter and looks back up at the night sky.

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