S2-Ep. 5.10 (R) - Do I, or Don't I?

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Previously on The Otherworlders: At Prince Julian's palace, a lavish gathering of the Vampyric elite holds court. Sebastian does his best to prepare Jake and Cameron so they can successfully navigate the sea of protocol and politics that rules the event.

As they await the prince's arrival, Cameron and Jake struggle with their "fish out of water" status as well as their growing appetites, and do their best not to trip up by saying or doing something that will tank their mission before it even starts.


All three boys, as well as Sebastian's family, have been standing in the welcome line in the Throne Room for an hour and a half, waiting to greet the prince.

Exhausted, Jake scrubs his hands over his face and mumbles to Cameron, "Gods! I'm trying my best to stay awake, but I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

"Tell me about it!" Cameron says as he rolls his neck and shoulders, and then stretches his back, hoping beyond hope to keep his body from going numb.

Jake, on the other hand, is blinking rapidly and furiously, shaking his hands in front of him in a bid to get his circulation going.

He shuffles on his feet, more for the sake of keeping his body moving than anything else. "Seriously," he says underneath his breath. "This standing in line to meet some pompous, high-class, fancy-pants Vampyr is downright painful." He leans in closer to Cameron. "Dude, if I asked you to shoot me and put me out of my misery, would you do it?"

"Man," Cameron shakes his head and chuckles. "I can't. Because if I shoot you first, then you can't shoot me and someone's got to because, good gods, this is painful!"

Jake lets out a boisterous laugh, catching Sebastian's attention.

Sebastian looks over at them, annoyed. "Seriously?" he says. "After just 10 minutes getting the crap kicked out of you in Master Achebe's class, you're going to pretend like this is an unbearable hardship?"

"Yes!" Jake lets his head fall back and sighs, heavily. "Dude... I'm soooo bored!"

Sebatian rolls his eyes, and then turns to face prince's dais. "Well, it looks like my family is up next, so your suffering should end any minute now."

Right at that moment, a page comes forward to announce the family.

"And next, Your Highness," the page calls out, his voice booming throughout the room, "I present to you, Sir Geoffrey and Lady Brigitte McFadden, of House McFadden, First Family of Clan McFadden of Kinnaird and Furness, protector of the Manor Rolls and Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland for the King."

Lady Brigitte approaches the dais where Prince Julian, a regal looking man in his late thirties with long, dark hair and piercing grey eyes, sits next to his fiancé, a mousy girl of twenty, her plain features lost in a sea of expensive clothes and vintage jewelry.

Prince Julian smiles and spreads his arms wide. "Brigitte, my dear! Don't you look ravishing!"

Lady Brigitte beams as she curtsies deeply, then rising, giggles like a smitten little girl. "Oh, My Prince—"

Prince Julian leans forward and wags his finger at her. "Ah, ah, ah! You're family. It's Cousin Julian to you." He sits back as if making a proclamation. "And since you're family, I would like to invite you and your guests to stay the night in one of our guest suites."

Thrilled by the compliment, Lady Brigitte rests her hand modestly on her chest. "Oh, Cousin Julian, you are so kind."

And then suddenly remembering that she's not alone, Lady Brigitte gestures with an air of gravitas towards her husband. "And you remember my husband, Sir Geoffrey, don't you?"

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