Ep. 2.4 (R) - Like Oil and Water

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Inez is in her dorm room, trying to put up a bookshelf

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Inez is in her dorm room, trying to put up a bookshelf. She managed to put up six small shelves on either side of the big, beautiful paned glass window that sits behind her twin bed. But she really wants to connect them with a long shelf on top of the window pane, like she saw once in a magazine.

Since starting at the new school, she hasn't been sleeping much, so her Minor Magic which, on occasion, can be used for small everyday tasks is quite depleted. And her powers as a Seer aren't going to help her much with this particular task. So, it looks like she's gonna have to do this the good old fashioned way...



Standing on her bed, Inez's arms are stretched as far and as wide as they can go, her body making a giant "Y" beneath the shelf. She's trying to straighten it as it's wedged against the wall. But the shelf keeps teetering precariously, and she's not sure how she's going to get a level on top of it, much less nail the darn thing in!

And, wow! This shelf is heavy!

She blows out a long breath, tickling her eyelashes underneath her glasses as she rethinks this whole endeavor, when Aidan walks by.

"Whoa there, lassie!" Aidan says. "Do ya need some help with that there?"

"Yes, please!" Inez calls back, gratefully.

Aidan rushes into Inez's room and jumps up onto her desk, grabbing one end of the bookshelf and holding it steady while she slides over to the other side and checks her level again.

She pulls a pencil out of the back pocket of her capri jeans to mark the wall, and as she's working, she glances over at Aidan and asks, "So Aidan, did you ever call Beatrice like you said you were going to?"

"Nah..." he says, a bit cavalierly.

"Aidan!" Inez cries, frustrated with him constantly dropping the ball as far as her friends are concerned. "That's the third time you've asked me for one of my friend's numbers and never sent a text or called!"

"Yeah, I know. I know." Aidan says. "I've really got to get better at that."

"Yes, you do!" Inez retorts. Then after a long beat, she inquires, "Aidan, can I ask you a question?"


"A somewhat personal question," she adds.

"Um... Hmm... Errr..." Aidan replies haltingly. "Yeah, I guess so," he finally agrees.

"So, how come in all the time I've known you, I've never seen you with a girl, like, on a date or at a party or even at a dance?" Inez asks as she leans back to make sure her level is still straight. "I mean you're cute, you're funny, and once someone makes it past your instinctively puerile defenses," she smiles, "you're a really, really great guy!" She shrugs. "So, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

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