Ep. 3.9 (R) - Did You Hear That?

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Having made their way back from the sweat lodge, Aidan, Patrick, and Farid pile into the yurt, each headed for their respective beds.

Patrick lands face-first onto his pillow and lets out a long, exhausted groan. Farid throws himself back on his bed. He covers his face with his hands in an effort to get the ceiling to stop spinning.

Aidan is too amped up and agitated to lie down. He sits on the very edge of his bed bouncing his leg like a jackhammer against the floor.

"Patrick..." he whispers, but no response.

He leans forward. "Patrick..." Aidan whispers louder. His brows crease as he wonders how Patrick has managed to fall asleep so quickly.

Aidan, getting agitated, whisper-shouts "Patrick!"

Patrick rolls onto his back, his eyes still closed, and growls, "WHAT?!"

"Uh... I was just wondering," Aidan whispers, "um... well, um, how long does this Lahopa stuff last again?"

Patrick scrubs his hands over his face. "I don't know, Aidan. Like I said before, for Shifters it's maybe an hour or two." He slides Aidan an irritated glance. "For you, I have no idea."

"Shoot!" Aidan's foot begins to tap even faster now.

Patrick gives him the side-eye, then rolls over, fluffs up his pillow, and buries his head in it, determined to go back to sleep.

"Patrick..." Aidan whispers again.

No response.

"Patrick..." he hisses.

No response.


"WHAT?!" Patrick jackknifes up in his bed, his voice echoing throughout the yurt.

"It's been, like, three hours, mate," Aidan says plaintively. "I don't think this stuff is wearing off any time soon."

Patrick grimaces. "Aidan, just go to bed," he says, his voice low and muffled. "The best thing to do is just sleep it off."

As Aidan contemplates whether or not he should even try to get some sleep, he suddenly hears a noise outside of the tent.

He gets up, pulls the flaps back on the tent, and pokes his head outside.

It's dark and he doesn't see anything, so he heads back inside and over to the bed, then resumes his agitated foot-tapping.

After a while, he whispers, "Farid..."

No response.

"Farid..." still, no response.


"WHAT, AIDAN?!" Farid finally answers, throwing his arms up while still lying back on the bed.

"Did ya' hear that?" Aidan asks him.

"Did I hear what?" Farid says, rubbing his temples and trying his best not to get annoyed.

"There's something outside of the tent," Aidan says in what he thinks is a hushed tone, but is yet another skittish whisper-shout.

Farid groans. He lifts his arm and covers his face with the crook of his elbow. "Aidan, we're in the middle of the frickin' woods. There's always something outside of the tent."

Aidan's not entirely convinced that what's outside isn't nefarious. So, he pops off his bed and juts his head outside of the tent again. Looking around in the dark, he can't find the source of the noise, so he pulls his head in and returns to his bed.

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