S2-Ep. 4.9 (R) - What on Earth Will I Wear?

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": After dinner at the Hidalgo estate, Fiona, feeling isolated as the only Vampyr in the group, steps out onto the patio. Ava follows with a tray of snacks as a gesture of apology for the onggoing tensions between them because of Farid. Frustrated, Fiona lashes out, taking Ava by surprise, and they part under a veil of tension.

Later that night, Fiona finds Ava out on the patio and she apologizes for her previous behavior. She tells Ava more about her long and complicated relationship with Farid and encourages Ava to pursue him if that's what she wants to do.

Now that they've cleared the air, they promise that if they can't find a way to be friends, at least they won't let their feelings for Farid affect their mission.

P.S. - Play the video before reading the chapter to get the full experience. 😉


The girls are in Inez's bedroom, preparing for the Enchanted Chancellor's Ball. Fresh from their showers, they're wrapped snug in large, cozy robes.

Ava stands before the full-length mirror, examining her tasteful but modest navy blue cocktail dress. Fiona, sitting on the bed, scrutinizes the even more modest and somewhat plain, black cocktail dress she's brought for the evening.

Ava muses, "I wish I had some elegant jewelry to enhance this dress."

"You're welcome to anything you can find in my jewelry box," Inez offers. "Just not the pearls! I plan on wearing those tonight. They were my mother's," she finishes softly. Then shaking off her sadness, Inez looks over at Fiona. "You too, Fiona," she says. "Feel free to anything that's in there!"

Fiona, holding up her cocktail dress, grimaces, "Thanks. But no amount of jewelry can salvage this dress. I loathe it!"

"Did you like it when you first bought it?" Ava asks.

"No, not really." Fiona sighs, "I needed something for graduation, and it was the only one with sleeves."

Inez looks puzzled, "You had to wear a dress with sleeves for graduation? Is that a Vampyr thing?"

Fiona shakes her head, "No! No! Nothing like that. It's just that..." She drops the dress in her lap and pouts. "...I have man-arms."

"Oh, my gosh! Not even!" Inez protests.

"You soooo don't!" Ava assures her.

"Seriously, guys, you're totally sweet but... ugh!" Fiona responds. "I've always hated them. They're bulky in weird places. I mean, Serena Williams can pull it off, but me?" She shakes her head woefully.

"You're arms aren't bulky, Fiona. You've got beautifully lean, muscular arms," Inez says with true admiration.

"Yeah. My arms look thin..." Ava holds her left arm up perpendicular to her shoulder. "But as much as I work out," she continues, "there's always this." She frowns as she flicks at the slightly drooping skin underneath her forearm.

Inez purses her lips. "Okay, girls!" she says adamantly. "We're not going to sit around all night and pick at our flaws. Instead, we need to find ways to accentuate our strengths!"

Inez walks over and sits down next to Fiona on the bed. She holds Fiona's dress up before her, inspecting it closely. "Oh, I see the problem!" she exclaims. "It's not your arms, silly, it's the way this dress is cut!" She turns the dress from front to back. "Cap sleeves..." She shakes her head in disapproval. "They look terrible on women with sexy, muscular arms like yours."

Fiona shoots Inez a skeptical glance. But instead of scowling, she gives Inez a small smile, because despite her cynicism, she still finds the gesture endearing.

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