S2-Ep. 5.18 (R) - To Tell You The Truth

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": While Jake transforms into a wolf to lead Prince Julian's circus animals to safety, Sebastian and Cameron head to the tower roof. Sebastian calls Headmaster Pierce to report their mission failure. He also reveals that they encountered a magical creature, similar to an Ancient Vampyr.

After the call, Headmaster Pierce immediately wakes up Master Achebe to let him know the boys found a Necromancer in Prince Julian's palace basement. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Master Achebe agrees to wake up Master Liu so they can all have an urgent meeting in Pierce's office ASAP.


Inside of Headmaster Pierce's dimly lit office, he sits behind his massive mahogany desk. Master Achebe leans against a low-slung filing cabinet, and Master Liu sits in the chair across from Pierce, her foot tapping restlessly, her posture rigid with unease.

"A Necromancer?" Master Liu whispers, shuddering at the thought. "Ugh! I can still remember that encounter so vividly, like it was yesterday. The darkness, the uncertainty, the evil surrounding that despicable creature..." her voice trails off as she pulls her wool cardigan tighter around her and shudders again.

"Well," Headmaster Pierce adds, "we always knew there was a chance there might be more of them... that we hadn't kill the last one."

"Yes," Master Achebe begins to pace restlessly. "But if there is a Necromancer still alive in the Otherworlder realm, then where did it come from? And why is it imprisoned in Prince Julian's basement? I thought for sure Prince Julian was on our side."

"He is, he is!" Headmaster Pierce asserts. "I'm absolutely certain of it!"

"Then what the heck is going on?!" Master Liu asks helplessly, her fingers drumming frenetically on the arm of her chair. A thought suddenly strikes her. "You know, my family has a few connections at Court. And because of that, we used to go to the palace for parties and festivals at least once a year. The last time I went, I remember hearing something about the prince's cousin, Emilie — I think her name is — stirring up a lot of trouble."

"What sort of trouble?" Headmaster Pierce asks, leaning forward on his desk.

"She's unhappy with the very idea of integration. And so, behind the scenes, she's attempting to sway several members of the Council to vote against any larger initiatives that might come up, should our program succeed." Master Liu tilts her head. "And I also heard these crazy rumors about her having ties to a Dark Mage. Apparently, she was looking for someone to help her..." Master Liu gasps as the puzzle pieces fall into place. "Oh, gods..!" She whispers underneath her breath. "The, the rumors must be true!"

"What rumors?" Master Achebe asks.

"That she might be working with a Dark Mage to turn an Ancient into a Necromancer."

"Oh, please!" Master Achebe scoffs. "Why would an Ancient Vampyr agree to be turned into a Necromancer?"

"Maybe it wasn't a matter of being convinced. Perhaps they were threatened or coerced." Master Liu says. "Everyone says the woman is ruthless. But that's how it would have to happen. Only Dark Magic can turn a Vampyr into a Necromancer."

Skepticism flickers in Headmaster Pierce's eyes as he shakes his head. "I simply don't get it. What on earth would this Emilie person want with a Necromancer?"

Realization dawns and Master Achebe stops pacing, mid-step. "And what would Minuk want with a Skinwalker?"

Master Liu pales, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Oh, gods!" She gasps. "They're trying to raise an Army of the Dead!"

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