Ep. 3. 17 (R) - Where Did He Go?

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The atmosphere inside the Sticky Wicket pub is young, subversively hip, and like Patrick said, totally chill.

Tables line the right side of the cavernous room, tucked neatly against a red brick wall, with each table populated by very good looking young men—only a few years older than the boys—and a smattering of women scattered throughout the crowd.

A long mahogany bar lines the left side of the room and in the back are three pristine pool tables, sitting under low-hanging pool lights, just beckoning to be played.

As they make their way through the crowd, Patrick gives the bartender, who immediately recognizes him, a nod. The bartender smiles back at him and nods as well, indicating that Patrick can buy drinks anytime he wants, and he won't get carded.

He leads the boys towards the back of the room to claim a high top table. Then once they're settled, takes Farid and Aidan's orders and goes to get them drinks.

When Patrick returns, he's ready for a game. Reaching for a cue stick, he turns to Farid and Aidan and asks, "Okay, who's ready to get their asses kicked?" He cracks a ridiculously wide grin.

His gaze lands expectantly on Aidan, who immediately waves him off. "Oh, no, no, no. I'll sit this round out. I haven't played pool since my older brother, Connor, got a mini-pool table for his twelfth birthday. I was nine at the time, and every one of my brothers repeatedly 'kicked my ass' as you so elegantly put it. So, that's a no for me. I'll just watch for a while."

Patrick shrugs. "Okay, your loss," he says before turning to Farid, who nods and replies with a sly smile, "I'm in!"

"Excellent!" Patrick says as they each choose their cue sticks. Then, like a pro, Patrick racks the balls. He takes a step back from the table and gestures at Farid. "You're up."

"Cool," Farid says as he chalks his stick, his gaze fixed on the table. After a brief moment of hesitation, he leans in, lines up his shot, and breaks, sinking three balls at once.

"Daaaammmnn..." Patrick says then blows out a low whistle. "You never told me you were a pool shark."

Farid moves around to the other side of the table and sinks yet another ball. "You never asked," he replies with a smirk.

Patrick rolls his eyes and laughs.

After three games, where Patrick managed to eke out only one win, he and Farid decide to take a break. As they enjoy another beer, he notices that Aidan, who is on his third Dr. Pepper by now, is bent over playing games on his phone – probably bored of watching him and Farid play pool.

He's about to encourage Aidan to join them for their next round, when he sees a young guy watching them – wavy brown hair, soulful green eyes that match his vintage t-shirt; he's probably around seventeen, maybe eighteen? Where did he come from? Patrick hadn't noticed him before. He just seemed to appear out of nowhere.

The guy takes a sip of his beer as their eyes meet, and Patrick gives him a polite, but definitely not flirty, smile. The guy smiles back. But his gaze quickly drifts across the table and lands squarely on Aidan.

Patrick cracks a slow smile. So, it's Aidan he's interested in. Interesting...

Patrick catches Farid's gaze and nods his head towards the mysterious young guy at the bar. Farid's eyebrows arch, and then he nods back, picking up on Patrick's plan.

"Hey, Aidan," Patrick says.

Aidan looks up from his phone. "What's up?"

Patrick pulls two twenties out of his wallet and slaps them into Aidan's palm. "We're starving. Go get us some sliders, eh?" He tips his head in the bar's direction.

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