Ep. 2.8 (R) - Well, That Was a Bust!

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NOTE - I need to give this one another pass. Please excuse any grammar errors or inconsistencies, and feel free to let me know so I can fix them. Thanks!  :-)

But until then...

Jake, Cameron, and Sebastian exit a small, dank cave

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Jake, Cameron, and Sebastian exit a small, dank cave.

"Well, that was a bust!" Cameron says, as he throws up his hands. "Three caves and we've made zero progress on this stupid exercise!"

Jake frowns as he makes a visual assessment of where they are relative to the school. He looks at his watch.


"What?" Cameron asks.

"It's 11:45," Jake answers. "We'll never make it back in time." He throws Sebastian an irritated glare.

Sebastian looks around and then digs back into the knapsack, consciously avoiding Jake's gaze. "I don't get it," he bemoans. "I was sure we had it all figured out."

"We?" Cameron asks, sarcastically. "Who the hell is 'we'?!" He shakes his head. "Right from the get-go, you took over and insisted that you knew exactly where we were going. With you, there was no room, no time for a 'we'."

"Well," Sebastian says, "it's not like you couldn't contribute anything! No one was stopping you!"

Cameron grimaces. And he's about to get into it with Sebastian when Jake slices in between them and starts heading back towards the woods.

Sebastian looks after him. "And where are you going?" he asks.

Jake doesn't stop, and he doesn't turn around. "I'm going back to campus!" he shouts back.

But after a few steps, Jake stops. There's something in his boot. He leans back against a tree to remove it and shake out whatever's in there. After pouring out a bunch of pebbles, he begins to put his boot back on. But while he's doing this, a churning mist begins to billow from the cave behind Cameron and Sebastian. With startling speed, the mist blows past them and heads straight for Jake, and by the time Sebastian and Cameron realize what's going on, it has already lifted Jake up and coiled itself around him, like an anaconda seizing its prey, strapping Jake tightly to the tree.

"Good gods! What is that?!" Cameron screeches, his voice cracking as he turns to face Sebastian. "What do we do?!"

"Hell if I know!" Sebastian shouts back, his eyes widening with fear.

And then, Sebastian suddenly realizes he has his sword on him. He wrests it from its scabbard, and as he approaches the beast, he holds his sword above his head with both hands held high. "Let him go!" he yells at the beast, his hands trembling as he takes a cautious step forward.

The mist demon pauses, then squeezes Jake even tighter.

"I said, let him go!" Sebastian demands over Jake's cries of pain.

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