Ep. 2.2 (R) - Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets

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Standing at the head of the classroom is Master Veronica Liu, a beautiful, but intense woman whose petite size belies her fierce nature.

Her raven black hair is swept up into a tight, perfect bun, accentuating her wide intelligent eyes and her high, sculpted cheekbones.

"I expect your first few days here at the Academy have been fruitful?" she asks as she begins to pace before the lectern, watching the kids settle into their seats.

Sebastian, who's slouched down in his desk chair, quips, "Well, I wouldn't say it's been fruitful... more like shocking and mildly disturbing."

There are groans from the other kids, but Master Liu's lips twitch up, just a little bit. She refuses to smile outright, though, because she doesn't want to encourage more snark from her students. From the dossiers Headmaster Pierce drew up for each of the kids, she suspected Sebastian was going to be a handful; and if true, he's off to a fantastic start.

"At the very least," Master Liu says, "I presume Master Achebe has put you through your paces?" After a beat, she smiles in response to the kids' silent nods. "Good. Good. Well, my name is Master Veronica Liu, and I will be your Contemporary History and your Logistics Professor."

Aidan's hand shoots up into the air.

"Yes, Mr. O'Brien." Master Liu acknowledges him.

"Now, what precisely do you mean by the term 'logistics.'" He inquires. "What exactly does this entail--if you don't mind me asking?" He adds quickly. He's laying on his Irish accent a bit thicker than usual because he finds that, with adults, he can get away with far more cheek and attitude before he finds himself in a whole mess of trouble.

"Well, Aidan. I'm glad you asked. I happen to be a specialist in Infiltration and Espionage And that is what I'll be teaching you."

Aidan's eyes go wide. He turns to Cameron, leans over, and whispers, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that, Cam? Espionage... Infiltration... By the gods! This shite's gettin' real." He cracks a wide, goofy grin.

Cameron just gives Aidan the side-eye, not quite sure how to react to his somewhat inappropriately giddy response. Truth be told, he doesn't know Aidan all that well since, back at the Enchanted Academy, they ran in entirely different circles. And while he does, on occasion, find Aidan kind of funny; he also finds him profoundly odd.

"So, as Headmaster Pierce mentioned earlier," Master Liu begins, "the goal of the academy is to cross-train you in the fighting styles of each race so that you can learn, through this tri-racial collaboration, how we can best defeat the demons in the Otherworlder realm. But we also want you to help us with another very important mission that until now has not been disclosed nor discussed." Master Liu looks around the room, her expression resolute. "Who here finished reading the history briefing from your orientation packet?" Only Inez, Ava, Fiona, and Farid raise their hands.

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