Ep. 3.10 (R) - Yes 'Cause I Be Trippin'

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Farid and Aidan find themselves trapped in the middle of a clearing. To their left, the raven demon hovers menacingly above their heads, ready to dive-bomb them at any moment. To their right, the mysterious creature with ice blue eyes slowly emerges from the woods.

The boys stand frozen in terror as the two fearsome forces converge upon them.

But to their surprise, what emerges from the woods is not a creature of their nightmares, but a statuesque being with an ethereal beauty and a remarkable grace.

It's a giant, luminously gray wolf—twelve feet tall and five feet wide—with silvery gray fur that sparkles like diamonds in the moonlight. Its ears flare back, and its blue eyes shine with an ancient power, like mystical shimmering gemstones.

This is no ordinary wolf.

And in the face of it, Aidan begins to hyperventilate as his eyes go wide with shock, while Farid drops to the ground, desperately looking for his bloodied sword, cast off by the raven demon and now buried somewhere in the heavy foliage surrounding the forest.

Both boys are terrified as it becomes increasingly clear that the only thing they can do now is keep their wits about them, keep their eyes trained on each one of the beasts headed their way, and pray.

Aidan stares at the wolf in awe. "What the hell is that?!"

Farid shakes his head almost imperceptibly. "I have no idea."

"Is it a Shifter?"

"I don't think so," Farid replies softly.

The boys start slowly backing away from the creature, but this then pushes them closer to the raven demon; and suddenly, they come to a complete stop as they realize there's nowhere else to go.

"I don't think Maximus can help us with this one," Aidan says plaintively.

Farid looks down at his sword. "Yeah," he says, defeated, "neither will this."

"Crap!" Aidan whispers. "So, what do we do?"

As Farid is about to answer, he looks up just in time to see the wolf crouch low on its haunches, then leap into the air, propelling itself forward towards them.

"Duck!!" Farid yells.

The boys hit the ground hard as the wolf sails above their heads, and with its lips curled and claws bared, flies right into the raven demon, taking it by surprise and knocking it to the ground.

The wolf and the demon begin to fight and are soon in a furious struggle for dominance--the raven demon scratching at the wolf as it tries to make its escape, the wolf using its teeth and claws to hold the demon still long enough for it to administer a lethal bite.

Frantic caws and vicious growls fill the night air, and giant black feathers rain down on Aidan and Farid as they try to navigate their way out of the middle of the fray.

Unable to stand up for fear of getting caught on a stray talon or sharp claw, the boys army-crawl on the ground, just like Master Achebe taught them, and begin making their way to the edge of the clearing.

But they don't make it far before they hear a desperate cry and then a brutal crack as the wolf captures the raven demon's beak within its powerful jaws, and with one thrust of its head, slams the raven to the ground, instantly breaking its neck.

And when the wolf looks up, large drops of blood drip, bit by bit, from its razor-sharp teeth. It slowly drags its huge tongue across its lips, then begins slinking towards them.

Fatigued from battle, its labored breath is visible in the cold night air. And even though the raven demon is now dead, the wolf could still easily kill them in a second. Fighting it is pointless and there's nowhere to run.

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