Ep. 2.12 (R) - Oy! - End Episode 2 / End of SEASON 1

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The parents are gathered in the Great Hall, decorated with rich tapestries made of colorful silk and lush velvet fabrics. The hall, although majestic and impressive, is only used for the most formal occasions. And while the parents sit side-by-side at long oak tables, once used for communal dining, the kids have been asked to wait outside in the vestibule.

Headmaster Pierce, Master Liu, and Master Achebe are seated behind an imposing mahogany table situated high up on a dais at the head of the room.

Master Liu and Master Achebe's murmured conversation ceases when Headmaster Pierce rises, the hollow sound of his chair scraping across the old wooden floor.

Headmaster Pierce clears his throat in order to get everyone's attention. "Thank you all for coming," he says, his voice surprisingly calm and clear. "We know that you are all greatly concerned about this latest situation. But I want you to know that while Jake, the student who was hurt, is still in the infirmary, he's actually recovering quite well."

"Is he, though?" Chief Victor Meska, Patrick's father, stands and challenges Headmaster Pierce. Victor Meska is a bald, compact man built like a professional wrestler, with angry eyes and a permanent scowl. And although relatively small in stature, especially compared to Patrick, he always finds a way to make his presence known.

"We're not just concerned," Victor growls. "We're downright angry! We entrusted our children to you and now look what's happened!"

"And I take full responsibility for that," Headmaster Pierce rests a humble hand on his chest. "Please know that your children's safety is our highest priority and our number-one concern." He steps out from behind the table to stand more prominently before the parents.

"To be honest, we never imagined there would be a demon attack this early on. All of our reports indicated the demons were largely in uninhabited areas like No Man's Land, much farther north and wouldn't be a significant threat for quite some time. All along our plan has been to equip the students with the best techniques and the latest technology. Our goal is to help your kids both fulfill their mission and give them the tools to protect themselves from any manner of attack."

Caitlín O'Brien, Aidan's mum, also stands. She's a petite, strawberry blonde with sharp hazel eyes and a smattering of freckles sprinkled across her pale nose. She crosses her arms defiantly before her. "Well, that's just grand, Headmaster," she says, "as long as your plan is on paper. But as far as execution...? Now, that seems to 'ave gone a bit sideways, wouldn't you say?"

"Exactly!" Victor points at Caitlín in solidarity. "That's exactly what's at issue here. Just admit it, Pierce! You miscalculated!"

Headmaster Pierce's jaw tightens in response to Chief Meska's refusal to use his title when addressing him, a sly but subtle insult. He leans back against the table and bows his head, assessing whether or not his original speech will go over at all.

And while he's considering this, the parents begin to shout out their questions and accusations, all at once.

"My son could have died!"

"Why are you using our children as bait?"

"You're putting our kids in too much danger!"

Headmaster Pierce looks up and realizes the parents are far angrier than he'd anticipated, and at this point, his speech won't be enough. Internally, he scoffs at himself as he recalls the pep talk he gave to the Masters earlier in preparation for this meeting--the one about rebuilding their confidence and reclaiming their faith. Oh, what a farce that was!

Visibly anxious, Headmaster Pierce tries to tamp down on his growing frustration, but Master Liu can tell that he's truly struggling. So, she rests a hand gently on his shoulder, gives it a reassuring squeeze, and steps around the table to take over, giving Headmaster Pierce some time to regain his composure.

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