S2-Ep. 4.2 (R) - How YOU Doin'?

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A/N - Okay, this chapter is a juicy one (can you tell by the title)? 😜 So, I just had to give it some extra special care, and thus the slight delay in posting. But I think you'll like it. At least I hope you do! 🤷🏽‍♀️ 

✳️ Also, don't forget, if the chapter seems really short or cuts off awkwardly, the site is not loading pages correctly. Just refresh your page, and you should see the whole chapter then. ✳️


Previously on The Otherworlders: After returning from a mission, Farid has a tense reunion with his brother Sebastian, and they delve into unresolved conflicts. Sebastian's attempt at reconciliation is met with skepticism, at first, with Farid pushing him to attempt some personal growth and embrace a sense of accountability.

On the training field, Farid, Aidan, and Patrick discuss their recent mission, and Patrick's ties to Stephen.

The training session takes a dramatic turn when Sebastian's brash instruction style tests Patrick's patience, but Farid intervenes

Finally, Inez manages to stabs Jake during a demonstration of her sword fighting technique, or lack thereof, leading to her hasty retreat from the gym.


Cameron, Ava, and Fiona are working with the katana swords when Master Achebe approaches with a cellphone in his hand. He taps Ava on the shoulder, then hands her the phone.

"It's your mother," he informs her. "She says she tried to call your phone but got voicemail, so she tried me instead. I guess it's a matter of some urgency?"

Ava rolls her eyes, "This is the third time she's called today. It's not an emergency. Trust me."

Ava takes the phone and excuses herself, going into the hallway to take the call.

Cameron and Fiona continue to work together as Fiona tries to show Cameron how to stand when using a katana sword.

"So, when you hold this kind of sword," Fiona says, "you want to make sure your wrists are straight, like this."

She demonstrates the proper stance.

"Like this?" Cameron asks playfully as he mimics her stance, but then slowly and intentionally lets his sword dip to below his waist.

"No, like this," Fiona repeats her demonstration again, and when she sees that Cameron's sword is still lilting, she tosses her sword onto the grass and goes over to correct him.

Standing right next to him, she spreads her legs and bends her knees, getting into the proper position and repeats her demonstration.

"Oh, like this?" Cameron, again, mimics her stance, but repeats his sorry technique.

"No! Ugh!" Fiona lets out an exasperated groan and moves behind Cameron, reaching around his torso and planting her hands over his, strengthening his grip.

She kicks his feet wider apart and raises his arm up to the proper level. Then once she's satisfied, she steps back to assess the position of his hands and the angle of his shoulders. "Yes. Yes, just like that." she says, throwing her hands up and exhaling in relief. "Finally!" she murmurs.

Cameron straightens, and with a chuckle, leans in close to her, his voice dropping to a whisper. With his mouth tantalizingly close to her ear, he says, "You realize I'm just giving you a hard time, right?" His voice is low, sultry, intimate, and Fiona closes her eyes as she feels his feather-light breath tickle her neck.

She swallows hard.

And when Cameron sees this, he takes a step back and with a sly smile, lifts his sword, and resumes his fighting stance.

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