S2-Ep. 4.18 (R) - Aw, Man! - End Episode 4 / End of SEASON 3

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": Ava, Fiona, and Inez are back from their mission and settling down into academy life. As classes resume, Headmaster Pierce, still worried about the possible unknown side effects from growing the Longan Tree in the middle of the Academy courtyard, works with Master Achebe and Master Liu to prepare for the next mission and choose the students who will make up the team.

Also, Sebastian and Farid are back spending time together, but the tensions that arose right before Farid's mission, unfortunately, still linger between them.


Sebastian and Farid stand next to the main gate of the Academy, stretching and preparing for a morning run.

Suddenly, Sebastian turns to Farid and asks, "Hey. What do you think I should do if Headmaster Pierce doesn't choose me for this next mission? Should I, like, talk to him?"

Farid shakes his head. "Nah, don't do that. Just wait for the next mission announcement and see what happens. I mean we've got how many artifacts yet to find?" He looks down and sets the timer on his smartwatch. "Don't worry about it, Bash. You'll get your turn. Seriously, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Because..." Sebastian murmurs. "I want my shot."

"At what?" Farid gives him a side-glance.

"At... at..." Sebastian sputters. "Ugh! Never mind! You wouldn't understand." He says with a sulk. "Anyway, what do you care? You've already had your turn."

Leaning against the stone post of the gate, his right leg jack-knifed behind him in a stretch, Farid pushes off of it and lets his foot drop to the ground. His frown deepens as he props his fists on his hips. "This is not a competition, Bash. Why do you always do this?"

"Do what?!" Sebastian scoffs.

"Make everything about you and your ego?"

"That's not what this is about!" Sebastian snaps back. Then, he takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Believe it or not, Farid," he says. "I'd actually like a chance to carry my weight, for once... you know, contribute." He looks away, across the Academy lawn, and swallows hard. "Otherwise, what the hell am I doing here?" he mutters under his breath.

Farid studies his brother for a long time before reaching out and resting a hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "Okay, I get it," he says. "I understand."

Sebastian's lips purse and he shakes Farid's hand off of him. "No. I don't think you do," he says quietly. "But, you know... whatever..." His voice trails off.

Ignoring his brother's petulance, Farid pops his earbuds into his ears and fiddles with the volume on his phone. After a moment, he yanks them out. "Crap!" he grumbles. "My earphones aren't working." 

Sebastian shrugs nonchalantly. "Okay, so? Whadda 'ya want me to do about it, sing to you while we run?"

"Don't be such a smartass," Farid retorts. "You know I can't run without my music. Give me five minutes. I'm gonna go back to my room and get another pair."

"Seriously?!" Sebastian scowls at his brother.

"Yes, seriously!" Farid shoots a pointed glare at Sebastian in return.

Sebastian rolls his eyes.

And as Farid heads back to his room, he turns and walking backwards, spreads his arms in exasperation. "Five minutes, Bash! Geez! Cool your jets, okay? I'll be right back!"

Leaning back against the stone post of the Academy gate, Sebastian crosses his arms over his chest and grunts out his annoyance.

He's not sure why, but suddenly, he doesn't want to run with Farid anymore.

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