Ep. 3.5 (R) - We're Just Hangin'

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Fiona walks across the academy courtyard, headed for the training facility.

Sebastian sees her and runs to catch up.

"Hey! Where are you headed?" he asks.

"The gym. You?"


"Cool," Fiona replies.

Sebastian shifts his gym bag from one shoulder to the other and falls into step next to her.

"So, did Farid get off okay?" Fiona asks.

"Yeah, he got off fine," Sebastian quips, scowling as he shoves his hands deeper into his pockets.

They walk together in silence for a moment, and then Fiona looks over at him, "Okay, what's wrong?" she asks.

Sebastian, clearly sulking, shrugs. "Nothing."

Fiona stops short. She tilts her head and folds her arms over her chest, leveling a very deliberate gaze at Sebastian. "Bash," she says. "I've known you for, like... well, like, forever. And I can just feel," she gestures, her hand making a figure eight in front of her, "all this frustration and self-pity oozing from your every pore." After a beat, she tugs his arm and asks again. "Come on, tell me. What's going on?"

Sebastian lets his head fall back, looks up at the sky, and sighs. He starts to walk again, and Fiona follows.

"It's just I don't understand why the Masters are sending Farid out on this first mission," he says. "Everyone knows that I should have been the one to go out, not Farid," he adds woefully. "It's not fair."

Fiona gives him a sidelong glance. "It's not fair because...?" Her voice rises to help tease out a response.

"Because it's my right, as First Son," Sebastian complains. "I should have the honor of being one of the first sent out on a mission. I'm not afraid, you know." He glances at Fiona. "It's an honor, an honor that's mine, by custom and decree."

Fiona bites back a laugh. "Oh, Bash," she says, shaking her head slowly. "I don't think our customs or decrees count for much here."

"Well, they should!" Sebastian retorts with a pout.

"Okay, so let me see if I've got this straight," Fiona posits. "You tried to play the First Son card, and it didn't work, so now you're pissed. Is that it? Is that what this is all about?"

"Well, wouldn't you be upset?" Sebastian says, as if it's a natural assumption.

"No!" Fiona scoffs. "Bash, you've been playing the First Son card your entire life. You play it on everyone, except for Farid. That's why you two get along so well--why you two are so close. Why pull this crap on him now?" she asks, nudging him gently with her shoulder.

Sebastian doesn't respond.

After a few steps, Fiona grabs him and stops him in his tracks. She places her hands on his shoulders and gently shakes him, as if to try and force some sense into his stubborn head.

Fiona leans in to make sure she's gotten Sebastian's attention. "Look," she says quietly. "I know a gesture like this is very important to you—it's important to your family's honor—but that's only in our world, Bash. Because deep down, you know our culture's social hierarchy is bullshit. It's a farce and you're better than this, much better than this. So, why be petulant and throw a temper tantrum just because as a First Son, you can?"

Sebastian looks at Fiona and sighs, then he looks away. After a long moment, he purses his lips as if he's about to say something but doesn't, perhaps thinking better of it.

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