S2-Ep. 4.15 (R) - There's Always a Way

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": Ava and Inez are forced to hide an unconscious guard after Ava knocks him out while Fiona incapacitates another guard so they can sneak into the chapel at the Enchanted Chancellor's palace and look for the sacred artifact (and, honestly, for the guard's inappropriate comment.)

Once done, the girls explore the austere chapel, perplexed by how an incredibly valuable tablet could be hidden in there. They're stumped until Inez deduces that because the chapel was built by Traditionalist Enchanteds, it must be a facade, a gateway to the hidden, family chapel, where most of their valuable artifacts would be kept.

By tapping a specific pattern she senses on the panes of the stained-glass mosaic, hanging behind the alter, Inez is able to reveal a corridor leading to a heavily locked door of the family chapel. Unable to open it, they must find another way in, which means they have to get into the chapel from outside of the tower where they suspect the family chapel is hidden.


The girls stand at the base of the tower looking up at it as if it were Mount Everest. Ava schools her features into a mask of determination.

"I can get up there," she declares confidently. "I know I can do it!"

"You can?" Inez asks with a hint of trepidation.

"Absolutely!" Ava replies confidently. 

She hikes her dress up, just above her knees and slips off a garter belt, less sexy and more functional, worn by the girls to carry essential tools for their mission. .

She checks her phone. It's dead, so she turns to Inez. "Can I borrow your phone?" Ava asks.

"Of course," Inez replies with a smile, reaching out to hand over her phone when Ava stops her. "Hold on a moment."

Ava steps back and closes her eyes. Holding out her arms at her sides, she begins waving them gracefully in a slow undulating motion, rippling the night air as streaks of white light swirl around her.

Then in the blink of an eye, her dress drops to the ground, and with wings spread wide, Ava soars above the heads of her friends.

Fiona and Inez gaze up at her in awe.

Covered in a vibrant mix of red, orange, and gold feathers; a long, elegant neck like a swan's; a small crest of feathers on her head, and a long flowing tail as elegant as a peacock's, Ava is glorious in avian form.

Wings still flapping, she swoops down, and with her talons, snatches the phone from Inez's grasp, then races to the top of the tower.

Ava contemplates her next move. The problem is that she can't open the window with her talons without dropping the phone, and she can't transform back into her human form mid-air without plummeting to the ground.

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