S2-Ep. 4.6 (R) - Going Home

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A/N - My dad's eye surgery went well (Yay!), so I'm back on schedule. Here's Saturday's chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Previously on "The Otherworlders" - Patrick and Jake recruit Aidan to help them break into Headmaster Pierce's office so Patrick can "borrow" the Prius and go back to his tribe's compound to let Stephen's mother know that Patrick had seen him and wants to see if she knows where Stephen is living.

Patrick makes it into Headmaster Pierce's office and finds the keys, but Headmaster Pierce returnsearly. Aidan and Jake engage him in a discussion about levitation and telekinesis to buy Patrick time to sneak out of the window and onto a ledge where, despite his fear of heights, he's able to inch over to the room next door and sneak through its window to make his escape.

Meanwhile, Inez and Fiona discuss Cameron, Fiona trying her best to subtly learn more about him as a person and what he was like at the Enchanted Academy. She's not terribly pleased by what she learns.

Unfortunately, Ava and Fiona's relationship remains tense.


Ava, Fiona, and Inez are sitting in a bank of four seats facing each other on the train. Ava and Inez sit next to each other, chatting, while Fiona sits opposite them with her backpack occupying the empty seat next to her.

She's got her phone out with the earbuds plugged into her ears and is quietly staring out of the train window, watching the landscape whiz by.

Ava, not wanting Fiona to feel left out, intentionally raises her voice to try and get her attention. "So, Fiona, Inez and I had a question for you."

Fiona grimaces, then plucks the earbuds out. "Excuse me?"

"We had a question for you." Ava hooks a thumb towards Inez. "So, Inez, here was under the impression that you've known Farid and Sebastian for most of your life. But I'd gotten the impression that you'd only known them for a few years, back at school."

Fiona looks at Ava suspiciously. She knows Ava has a crush on Farid. Anyone with eyes can see that. And he clearly seems infatuated with her. So, why is Ava putting her in the middle of all of this? Finally, Fiona replies, "I've known both of them since I was six. We all grew up together."

"See!" Inez flips her hands up as she looks over at Ava. "I told you so!"

"Hmm... Interesting." Ava purses her lips. "I'm not sure where I got that impression from." She shrugs. "Oh well, you all seem like great friends, and they seem like really good guys."

"They are." Fiona says, her eyes still narrow.

Inez chuckles. "You know it's odd. Sebastian is so different from Farid. He's a bit of an odd duck, really, and I can't quite figure out what makes him tick."

"No one can... Well, except for Farid," Fiona murmurs as she tucks her earbuds into her jacket pocket. "Sebastian is..." She hesitates and looks out the train window, weighing how much to share about the complex bond between the brothers. After a moment, she settles on being vague. "Sebastian is complicated," Fiona says. Then her lips quirk up as she adds, "But if you give him enough room to be an idiot..." She chuckles softly. "...you'll find he's really a good guy."

"I get that sense," Ava says also smiling. "I can see how he might be underestimated. Now, Farid, on the other hand," she adds, "seems very smart, and kind and, oh... I don't know ...soulful?" She blushes and both Inez and Fiona take notice.

"Oooh..." Inez raises her brows. "Does Farid peak your interest?" She giggles.

Ava playfully bumps Inez with her shoulder. "Oh, please! Don't be silly! I'm just trying to get to know our peers better."

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