S2-Ep. 4.3 (R) - Squeeee!!!

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Previously on The Otherworlders: During sword training, playful Cameron teases Fiona, feigning incompetence just to be near her. When he compliments her "annoyed" look and calls her pretty, Fiona bristles, wary of his flirtation. She manages to keep him at arm's length, but can't help but be intrigued.

Missing class for her mother's call, Ava practices alone and is awed when Farid helps correct her stance. Flustered, she daydreams of kissing him, inadvertently revealing her innocent crush. Farid offers her more lessons, much to her delight.

Inez uses her magic to temporarily fix Jake's dyslexia so he can read more of the Harry Potter book she lent him. amazed by her powers, Jake opens up about his learning disability for the first time, but flustered by her touch, he abruptly flees her room. But Inez is thrilled by the visit, nonetheless.


Waiting for Inez and Fiona to arrive, Headmaster Pierce attempts to make small talk with Ava, who'd arrived ten minutes early for the girls' very first mission briefing.

Leaning back in his chair, Headmaster Pierce taps his pencil on the desk. "So, Ava, how is your father doing?" he asks her with a note of genuine concern.

"Good... well, better," she replies, distracted, her legs crossed before her and her foot tapping anxiously. After a beat, Ava blows out a breath and looks up at Headmaster Pierce saying, "Actually, my dad's just fine; it's my mom who's been stressing me out lately."

Headmaster Pierce asks, "How so?"

"I don't know," Ava replies, throwing her arms up at her sides in defeat. "I mean, even though the entire tribe is pitching in to help her care for my father, my mom still seems perpetually overwhelmed. It's been three years since those hunters shot my dad, but she can't seem to get a handle on things. And it's not as if my father's completely disabled! But every time I talk to her, she keeps dropping hints that she wants me to come home because I'm the only one who can help her take care of father properly." She rolls her eyes.

Headmaster Pierce nods in sympathy. "I can only imagine how dismaying that must be. It's definitely tough when you have to balance family obligations with your own desires and aspirations. Look, Ava, if you need to go home, you should go. Please don't feel guilty about leaving. We completely understand. And we don't want your commitment to us to interfere with your family obligations."

"But that's just it!" Ava exclaims, her eyes blazing, her cheeks flushing, exasperation lacing her voice. "I've got two older brothers at home. And between the both of them, they're perfectly capable of helping my mother out with our father's care. I did it for three years, and now it's their turn!" Her lips purse as she leans forward, eager to finally discuss her predicament.

"You see, Headmaster," Ava says with a grimace. "I've always been expected to step up and take care of things, all sorts of things, for my family, just because I'm a girl. The only girl in the family, in fact. And although the burden of being everyone's support system is mine, and mine alone. It really doesn't need to be." She grunts. "Even though she easily could, my mother refuses to ask my brothers to help out because caregiving is woman's work. And, in her opinion, it would be horrifying and demeaning to have the young sons of such a distinguished family spoon-feeding their father and changing out his bedpan."

Ava leans back and huffs out an exasperated breath. "But of course, it doesn't matter that her only daughter is the "Chosen One." She makes air quotes. "Oh, noooo... And it doesn't matter that I will someday be the only earthly host for the reincarnation of the Suzaku. Oh, noooo... No, no, no!" Ava raises her hands next to her head and waves them in a mock celebration of the lofty status her mother cares nothing about.

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