S2-Ep. 5.14 (R) - I swear to the gods!

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": In their search for the ancient tablet fragment, Cameron's navigation crystal has lead the boys to a dusty, secluded safe room in the palace. Using elemental magic, Cameron unlocks the room, but the safe inside proves to be a tougher challenge.

As he tries various spells, Jake and Sebastian start to bicker over Cameron's methods. But their bickering abruptly ends when a guard catches them, standing in the hallway, having just made it out of the safe room before getting caught.

Forced to bluff their way out of trouble, Cameron uses his minor magic to trick the guard with an optical illusion, but the guard tells them that have to leave because they're expected to go with the other guests out to the giant circus tent to watch the evening's entertainment.


As the boys weave their way through the dense maze of hedges that skirt the palace's courtyard, they spill out onto a sprawling lawn where a crowd of people, clad in a kaleidoscope of evening attire, buzzes with excitement.

The guests surround a giant tent set up in the middle of the square. Everyone's got a drink in their hand, and swelling organ music pours out through open tent flaps, creating a festive mood.

A striking woman wearing a ruby-red sequined bustier, knee-high black boots, and a top hat stands guard at the tent's entrance. In a fit of enthusiasm, she greets each guest with a sweeping fling of her arms above her head and a wide toothy, fanged smile.

But when Jake and Cameron approach, the woman's eyes narrow and her piercing gaze settles on them, examining them from head to toe, lingering a bit too long for comfort.

Her nostrils flare as she grimaces, immediately detecting that something's off. Suddenly, her eyes widen when she realizes these boys aren't Vampyr.

Tensing up, she prepares to confront them. But before she can say anything, Sebastian steps forward and situates himself in front of Jake and Cameron, essentially protecting them as well as protecting their cover.

Ready to play his part, he draws himself up to his full height, pulls his shoulders back, puffs out his chest, and adopts as superior a tone as possible, before saying, "We're with the royal party." 

He then gestures casually to the VIP section roped off with velvet cords and filled with plush seating lit by sparkling chandeliers.

The woman slides Sebastian a skeptical look.

In response and practically daring the woman to call his bluff, Sebastian adds with a defiant arch of his brow, "The name is Sebastian. Sebastian McFadden."

As the woman stares back at him, choked coughs come from Cameron and Jake over his shoulder as they exchange quick glances, biting back enormous grins and trying their best to stifle their laughs.

Barely keeping it together, Cameron leans over and whispers in Jake's ear, "Who does he think he is? James Bond?"

Jake swallows a chuckle. "I know!" he whispers back, the corners of his mouth twitching up involuntarily. "I swear to the gods, I honestly don't think he can help himself."

Meanwhile a tense standoff ensues between Sebastian and the woman. A beat passes before she purses her lips, her gaze scrutinizing Cameron and Jake one more time before she relents with a nod towards the VIP section, where Sebastian's parents are happily seated behind Prince Julian and his fiancé.

As the boys enter the tent, Jake says underneath his breath, "Well, I'll be damned! It worked!"

Instead of heading over to the VIP section, Sebastian leads the boys around the milling crowd to the other side of the tent to both hide from his parents and be able to talk more freely when they need to.

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