S2-Ep. 4.14 (R) - You Want Me to Go Where?

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Previously On "The Otherworlders": At the Chancellor's Ball, Ava, Inez, and Fiona are in the middle of strategizing how they're going to locate the tablet artifact they've been tasked with finding when Gabriel Reneau, the Chancellor's son, invites Fiona to dance. Despite her inexperience and nervousness about being a Vampyr among a judgmental crowd of Enchanteds, Fiona is charmed by Gabriel's kindness and skill as a dance partner. 

He reveals he's an Animatronic Mage, able to animate inanimate objects, and demonstrates his ability playfully during the dance.

Later, the trio kicks into mission mode and discreetly heads off to search for the tablet artifact. Inez senses ancient magic near a chapel door guarded by a snoozing gaurd. While Fiona approaches him to suss out where the chapel might be, another guard approaches Inez and Ava who are hiding around the corner. 

Inez attempts a very difficult spell to deter him, which at first is successful, but the spell breaks when she celebrates her victory, prompting Ava to knock him out with a punch, showcasing the occasional need for a Shifter's brute force over and Enchanted's powerful but tricky spell.


Inez bends down to check the guard's pulse. It's slow, but it's not like he's dead or anything like that. She straightens. "Help me get him into one of these rooms," she says to Ava.

She grabs his arms while Ava grabs his legs, and they drag the unconscious guard into the nearest open room and out of sight. Inez closes the door behind her, then locks it with a charm before they return to their spot, waiting for Fiona to return.

They peek around the corner just in time to see Fiona thrust her arm out, reach up, and pinch Guard #1 in the neck. After whispering a few words to him, the guard drops to the floor with a thud.

Hands on her hips, Fiona leans back and nudges the guard with her strappy heeled shoe, just to make sure he's still alive. He stirs groggily but doesn't wake up. So, with a frown, Fiona straightens and mutters, "Jerk!"

Ava and Inez rush over to her. "What happened?!" Inez asks.

Fiona looks up at them. "The dude definitely confirmed that this is, indeed, the chapel. But when I asked if my friends and I could take a quick peek at it, he said, Sure. I'll show you the chapel if you show me your—"

"Nooooo!" Inez gasps, her eyes opened wide like saucers. "He didn't do that. He didn't actually say that to you!"

"He did!" Fiona confirms with a firm nod. "So," she says, "I showed him what I thought of his proposition." Satisfied, she nods again.

"Awesome!" Inez exclaims.

Ava's relieved too, but she's also a little concerned. "He's not dead is he?" she whispers.

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