S2-Ep. 5.9 (R) - This Is How We Do It

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": After calling Sebastian into his office, Sir Geoffrey and his First Son go from talking about the logistics for Prince Julian's engagement party to confronting the source of their fraught relationship. Sebastian learns the truth about his father's disappointment in him and why he tends to favor Farid.

Back at the Academy, Patrick gets a text from Stephen's mother, indicating that the Shifter Resistance is moving their headquarters and might be preparing for an attack. Anxious about Stephen's fate, Patrick decides it's time to rescue him. But for that, he'll need the Prius and the help of a fellow classmate with a very particular skill.


"No! No, absolutely not!" Aidan shakes his head adamantly as he shoves his books into his backpack. Patrick and Farid are standing on either side of him at a desk in the library.

Aidan looks up at Patrick like he's growing a second head. "Are you mental, man?! Do you not remember the last time we did this with Jake when you needed the keys to the Prius? And do you remember how close we came to getting caught?! You had to climb out of a third-story window for Pete's sake!"

Farid's brows crinkle as he looks over at Patrick. "Wait! You've done this before?!"

Patrick's hand shoots up, indicating now is not the time for questions. "It's a long story." He barrels on. "Look, Aidan..." He leans in. "I think we both know that you owe me, and you owe me big time."

Aidan stands and slipping his backpack on squints and scoffs at Patrick. "Owe you? Owe you for what?!"

Patrick cocks his head as if to say. Really, you wanna go there?

Aidan sees Patrick's expression, and after a beat, his mouth falls open with recognition. "Ohhh... right..." He says, his eyes widening. "The Boxer Incident!"

"Exactly!" Patrick nods in acknowledgement. "The Boxer Incident."

Farid's gaze pings back and forth between the two of them, and then he throws his hands up in the air. "Well, Hell's bells! Are you guys speaking in code or something?! Could someone please fill me in?"

Patrick intensifies his laser-like gaze on Aidan, just to make sure he is indeed on board.

Aidan nods reluctantly, and then Patrick turns to Farid and says, "Look, I'll tell you more about it on the way, okay? But we've got to go. We don't have much time."


Entering the palace, the opulent home of Prince Julian, heir to the Vampyric thrown, is like walking into a mini-Versailles: pink and white marble in abundance, intricately painted panoramas lining the walls, at least four crystal chandeliers hanging above, and gold leaf everywhere.

Nobles and VIP's — dressed almost exclusively in black velvet, red brocade silk, and vintage white lace — comprise the bulk of Prince Julian's court. The guests mill about idly in the antechamber that sits in front of the Throne Room, while the din of voices echoes off the walls and an undulating wave of anticipation washes over the crowd.

Sir Geoffrey and Lady Brigitte quickly excuse themselves in order to mingle, leaving the boys — Sebastian dressed smartly in similar Vampyric formal attire, but Jake and Cameron dressed awkwardly in navy jackets and khaki pants — to their own devices.

Sebastian turns to Jake and Cameron and says, "It seems my parents are off to work the crowd."

Jake looks around at the guests — paler than Sebastian and far paler than Farid — dressed in elaborate formal wear as if attending an 18th century costume party and looking very much like they haven't seen the sun in decades.

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