S2-Ep. 5.13 (R) - Someone Get the Clown Car!

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": As Prince Julian toasts his engagement to a bashful Lady Agatha, the court reacts with mixed emotions, with harsh criticism coming from Sir Geoffrey and Lady Brigitte.

Meanwhile, Jake, Sebastian, and Cameron stumble upon a disturbing scene in a secluded chamber: a young woman being ritualistically bled as part of Prince Julian's engagement ceremony.

Coming as a shock to Jake and Cameron, they struggle with their instincts to intervene as they must face the harsh realities of Vampyric culture and refocus on their mission.


Cameron's navigation crystal has led the boys to a dusty, secluded room on the opposite end of the palace. The door sitting before them is a solid mass of iron and looks as if it hasn't been opened in years.

As Cameron approaches it, his amethyst jumps and begins to swing wildly, back and forth, back and forth, confirming they're on the right track.

"All right," Cameron says, feeling fairly confident. "My best guess is, the tablet fragment's in here." He bends down to inspect the robust lock on the door. Then reaches out to probe it for weaknesses.

Sebastian observes Cameron's work with keen interest. While Jake suddenly becomes agitated.

Uneasily, he steps back and scans the hallway. "Uh, guys..." he says cautiously. "Did you see any guards anywhere in this part of the palace? I know I didn't. Don't you find that odd?"

Ignoring Jake's concern, Sebastian leans in and asks Cameron, "Do you think you can get the door open?"

Cameron sits back on his heels to contemplate his options.

After a minute, he raises his hand and holds it open before him. Leaning in, he murmurs an incantation, and as he does, an electric blue ball of energy forms inside of his cupped palm.

Gently, Cameron blows the swirling mass forward so it penetrates the keyhole, causing the internal mechanism of the lock to freeze over.

He straightens up, grabs the doorknob, and...


The lock disintegrates easily, as if he'd just blasted it with a stream of liquid nitrogen.

Cameron grins triumphantly as he looks over his shoulder at Jake and Sebastian.

Sebastian nods and smiles. "Not bad," he concedes.

But the boys have little time to bask in Sebastian's rare and hard won praise, instead they quietly slip inside.


The air inside the windowless room is heavy and stale. And it contains nothing but a folding table, two folding chairs, a starkly bare bulb hanging from the ceiling, a ticking clock on the wall, and a giant safe, sitting at the back of the room.

The boys gather around the safe, and Sebastian turns to Cameron and says, "Okay, Cam. Go ahead. Do your ice trick again."

Cameron shoots Sebastian a sidelong glance.

Bossy much?

Blowing off Sebastian's attitude, Cameron squats before the door and analyzes the lock again.

After inspecting it from every angle, he stands and scowls. "This one is hardcore. I don't know if blasting it with ice is going to do the trick."

After a beat he adds, "But I can certainly give it a try."

Sebastian nods reassuringly, and with that, Cameron gets into position.

He cups his hands together — similar to how he'd done it before — closes his eyes, and recites the same incantation, but this time his voice is much louder and his concentration far more intense.

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