Ep. 2.10 (R) - So... What Are You Getting At?

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A/N - Just a note, I plan to finish editing this tomorrow. So, if you run into errors or inconsistencies, just let me know and I'll fix them this weekend. :-)

And also...

Many of the kids' parents have arrived on campus to meet with the Masters and Headmaster Pierce about the demon attack

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Many of the kids' parents have arrived on campus to meet with the Masters and Headmaster Pierce about the demon attack.

They have an hour before the meeting is supposed to start in the Great Hall, so most of them are giving tours of the campus to their parents or filling them in on their training progress so far.

Cameron leads his father through the stone halls of the south wing, where most of the classes are. He points to a room on his right. "They have a pretty good lab," he says. "Not as good as The Enchanted Academy, of course, but not bad."

The two continue their tour down the hall. "And here's the student's lounge. We haven't used it much, but some of us have started hanging out here after combat practice because, even though each set of kids has their own common room, the lounge has the cushiest couches. And then, there's the--"

"Cameron..." Edmund Baker interrupts his son.

Cameron's father stops him with a firm hand on his shoulder. Edmund C. Baker is an East Coast, Blue-Blood Enchanted, meaning that he comes from a long line of Enchanteds with very potent powers. Unfortunately, these miraculous gifts seem to have skipped over Edmund. His magical power of hydrokinesis is limited to manipulating no more than a gallon of liquid at any one time, and so is considered, by all accounts, on the weaker side.

Instead, the great power imbued in the family's lineage ended up highly concentrated in his son, even though Cameron has yet to figure out how to tap into it.

With neat, dirty blond hair--graying at the temples--and a ridiculously expensive custom-tailored suit, Edmund Baker exuded every bit of his money manager's bearing, even though it was a fairly well known secret that his fund was not doing so well financially.

Edmund turns around to face Cameron and expels a long breath. "Son, while I appreciate the tour," he says, "I'm much more concerned about what's going on at the school."

"What? You mean the demon attack?" Cameron asks.

"Well, yes that, of course," Edmund replies. "And also, well you know... how's it going with the other students?"

"Fine... I guess." Cameron shrugs, puzzled by his father's sudden concern for his well-being at the new school.

Edmund looks around, then leads Cameron out into the courtyard. He notices a bench on the walkway that leads to the training fields and motions for Cameron to take a seat next to him.

"Look, Cam, Sir Geoffrey's boys are attending this school as well, correct?" he asks.

Cameron tilts his head and squints at his father, trying to suss out where he could possibly be going with this odd fascination with the Academy.

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