Ep. 3.4 (R) - You're Not The Boss of Me

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Patrick and Aidan are leaning back against the Prius outside of the Kikatuwa compound, waiting for Farid to arrive.

After a few minutes, Farid pulls up on his bike and parks next to the car. He tugs off his helmet, shakes out his shoulder-length hair, and smiles as he approaches them.

"By all the gods! That felt so frickin' good!" His smile widens.

"I can only imagine." Patrick says, his voice revealing a hint of jealousy. "It looks like the ride did wonders for you."

"Trust me, it did," Farid replies. "And, given the day I had yesterday," he shakes his head sadly, thinking back to his fight with Sebastian. "Let's just say, I needed it."

After a beat, he nods his chin in Patrick's direction. "So, what's the plan?"

Patrick pulls out his phone and reads the latest update from Headmaster Pierce. "I think we're supposed to meet with a representative..." He scrolls through the email. "Yeah, we're supposed to meet up with this Minuk guy, from the sound of it." He slides his phone back into the pocket of his jeans and says, "So, who should do the talking?

"You," both Farid and Aidan say simultaneously.

"Alrighty then," Patrick replies, somewhat reluctantly. "According to Pierce, since it's getting close to dinner time, they'll probably have some sort of ceremonial meal planned for us. Given that it'll be some sort of Shifter ceremony, it's probably best if I take the lead anyway." He looks deliberately at Aidan. "It's just too easy to offend someone."

Aidan's jaw drops and he's about to defend himself when a tall man in his late 30's with an aquiline nose, dark eyes, and long black hair, tied in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck, approaches them. He's dressed smartly in a black turtleneck, a houndstooth sports jacket, jeans and black cowboy boots. Clearly not happy to be the one who has to escort the boys around, he looks at them critically, assessing who should be taken most seriously and settles on Patrick, to whom he extends his hand.

"I'm so glad you finally made it," Minuk says, as he nonchalantly peers down at his watch then quirks a brow. "Albeit fifteen minutes late," he adds.

The boys look at each other, sheepishly.

"Be that as it may," Minuk says on a sigh, "my name is Minuk Gray-Weather, and I am the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Kikatuwa tribe. It's an honor to meet with such a respected delegation from the Otherworlder Academy," he says, his hollow smile punctuating his condescension.

It must kill him to have to play delegate and guide to a bunch of kids.

Patrick clears his throat. "It's actually The Otherworlder Integrated Academy, sir," he corrects Minuk, recognizing the subtle power play.

Minuk's lips twist into a derisive smile as he bites back a retort and instead says, "Oh but, of course. Please forgive me."

"That's not a problem, sir. I'm Patrick Meska." Patrick lifts his hand from his chest and points to his compatriots. "And this is Aidan O'Brien and Farid McFadden."

Minuk's gaze rakes uncharitably over Aidan and Farid, and while he smiles politely, he doesn't extend his hand.

Instead, he whips around and gestures for the kids to follow him. "I'll show you to your quarters, and then you can settle in and clean up before the ceremonial feast," he says as he guides them down the gravel path that leads from the parking area into the compound.

He leads the boys past two giant totem poles, each forming the side of a large wooden gate that sits at the entrance of the massive Kikatuwa compound and past a fifty-foot longhouse with a high roof and beautifully etched symbols that serves as the community center for the tribe.

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