S2-Ep. 4.8 (R) - But, I Love Him

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Previously on The Otherworlders: With the help of Jake and Aidan, Patrick broke into Headmaster Pierce's office so he could snag the keys and "borrow" the Prius. He's headed back to his tribe's compound to let Stephen's mother know that he'd seen Stephen and wants to see if she knows where he's living.

Old feelings and frustrations emerge when Stephen's mother lets Patrick know just how much damage his relationship with her son has caused. Will Patrick be able to get the information he needs to save his boyfriend?


Patrick stands outside of a trailer parked at the back of the Si'ahl Shifter compound. This is the place where the families of all those who've been Cast Out of the tribe now live.

He paces nervously in front of the trailer, trying to muster the courage to knock on the door. The last time he was or even talked to Stephen's mother was the day his father kicked Stephen out of the tribe, and the thought of dealing with her after everything that's happened has his stomach gnarled up into a knot.

Cautiously, he approaches. But before he can knock on the door, it flies open.

"How dare you!" Mrs. Kesselman's voice rings out, her eyes narrowing into furious slits.

Phyllis Kesselman — a tall, thin, brassy blonde in her late-forties — stands protectively in the doorway and growls, her eyes flashing so much anger, Patrick is taken aback. Although time and life have battered her down, worn her out, she still has a bit of the fight left in her.

She grips the doorknob so tightly, her knuckles turn a stark white. "How dare you show your face around here!" she seethes.

Just as she is about to slam the door shut, Patrick wedges his foot in the gap. "Please! Please, Mrs. Kesselman! I need to speak with you. It's important," he implores, his voice softening. "I saw Stephen the other day. It was only for a moment, but I saw him."

At the mention of her son, Mrs. Kesselman's fiery expression wavers. She hesitates, then slowly opens the door wider, allowing Patrick to step inside.


Patrick sits awkwardly at the small Formica table in the kitchen while Mrs. Kesselman leans back against the kitchen counter next to a broken-down, centuries-old microwave.

She retrieves a cigarette from a pack lying on the counter, lights it up, and without breaking eye contact with Patrick, exhales a slender cloud of smoke from the side of her mouth as her gaze rakes over him keenly. Then after a moment, she asks, "How did he look?" Her voice is harsh, raspy, so she clears her throat before speaking again. "How did he look... my Stephen? Did he look okay?"

"Yeah, he looked good," Patrick confirms. "He looked... healthy. He's been taking care of himself. Well, physically, at least."

Mrs. Kesselman nods. "Good. That's good."

Her shoulders visibly relax as she blows out another stream of smoke. She shifts on her feet and takes a long drag off her cigarette. "Then, why are you here?"

Patrick, perched uncomfortably in the vinyl kitchen chair, unconsciously swats at the smoke wafting his way. Mrs. Kesselman sees this, rolls her eyes and tamps out her cigarette.

"I ran into Stephen when I was... well," Patrick begins, "let's just say, I ran into him under unusual circumstances. We didn't have a lot of time to talk, so I don't know where he's staying or how to reach him. I really need to speak with him."

Mrs. Kesselman crosses her arms over her chest, "Okay, Patrick, if--and I mean if--I knew how you could contact my son, do you really think I'd tell you? Given that it was your father who had my son Cast Out. Given that Stephen was banished from this tribe, forever, because of you. Honestly, you must be nuts to think I'd want you anywhere near my boy."

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