Ep. 3.21 (R) - Can You Give Me a Hand?

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A/N - I'm still making minor edits so please excuse any inconsistencies. Regardless, enjoy the chapter! 😁

Previously on "The Otherworlders":  Aidan, bound by zip ties in an abandoned warehouse, faces an unexpected encounter with Stephen, a seemingly unlikely ally. And despite Aidan's initial defiance, Stephen's gentle demeanor intrigues and calms him. After Stephen offers Aidan a glass of water, a bowl of fruit, and a hesitant apology, both Stephen and Aidan open up to each other.

As the conversation unfolds, Aidan uncovers his kidnapper's daring plan. Minuk intends to unleash the vengeful god Mai-coh so he can help him create a Skinwalker army to aid Minuk in his pursuit of a more viable "balance of power" between the major Otherworlder races.

Stephen then hints that if Aidan just does what Minuk is asking for, he might be able to help Aidan escape. And now, Aidan must decide whether to take a chance and summon this god, Mai-coh, possibly unleashing chaos on their realm, or cling to the hope that Patrick and Farid will eventually find him and come to his rescue.


Maximus, Aidan's Gryphon, screeches as he circles high above the warehouse, his keen eyes searching for any sign of his master.

Patrick and Farid park the Prius in a shadowy corner of the empty parking lot directly across the street from the warehouse. As they step out of the car, their breaths visible in the cold night air, they exchange worried glances, their concern for Aidan growing with every minute that passes by.

They cross the street and approach the warehouse as quietly as they can, making their way around the imposing structure. They examine every locked door and every latched window with no luck.

"Damn it," Farid mutters, rattling the rusted door handle of the last door they find. The building seems impenetrable.

"There's got to be a way in," Patrick grumbles as he balls his fists at his sides. After a moment, he takes a few steps back from the building and cranes his neck to inspect a bank of narrow windows lining the upper part of the wall. The glass is filthy, but there just might be enough clear patches for it to work.

He turns to Farid. "What if I boosted you up." He points up at the bank of windows overhead. "Do you think you could reach one of those and, at least, get a peek inside?"

Farid looks up and, hands on his hips, shakes his head. "Nope. No way. Those windows are almost fifteen feet up there, Patrick. There's no way I could get a good look inside, much less climb through one of them if it's open."

Frustrated, Patrick chews his lip as his gaze scans the building, looking for any inspiration that might spark some out of the box thinking. He spots some discarded wooden pallets leaning against the warehouse wall, and at first he thinks they might be able to use those, but there aren't enough of them to give them the height they'd need to get up there. He runs a hand through his hair as his mind races.

And then he gets an idea.

"If you stand on my shoulders, and you stretch really hard, maybe you can pull yourself up high enough to see inside?" Patrick ventures.

Farid shoots him a dubious look, unconvinced. "Really, Patrick?" he says, eyeing the high windows skeptically. "Even with your help, I don't think I can reach that far."

But when he sees the dejected look on Patrick's face, Farid changes his mind. "You know what. There's no point speculating. Only one way to find out," he says.

Patrick flashes Farid a grateful grin. He leans back, spreads his legs, and braces himself against the wall, interlacing his fingers before him to create a foothold for Farid. He nods, letting Farid know that he's ready.

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