Ep. 2.1 (R) - You're Gonna Have to Work for It

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In a field at the back of the Academy, Master Achebe's gaze sweeps over the kids as they struggle to complete the long and painful obstacle course he's designed for them.

"Do you realize," he says as he marches back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back like an Army general, "that if a Demon ever catches you, before it rips your heart out, it will torment you, it will torture you, and it will try to usurp your powers?"

He leans over Jake, Patrick, and Ava who are scrambling on their bellies through the dirt beneath a cargo net stretched wide and adorned with thorny vines and tangled branches. "Did you? Did you realize that?" He tosses out the question only to be met with beleaguered grunts and sighs.

"And by 'usurp your powers,'" Master Achebe raises his voice so everyone can hear him. "They will suck your powers from your very soul!" he barks out. He's well aware that he's laying it on thick, but he's doing it for a very specific reason. He knows that fear is an excellent motivator; fear will drive them to train as hard as they can.

Jake, who is the first of the kids to make it through the course, jumps up onto his feet like an army recruit.

"So, what does that make them, Jake!"

"A grave danger to both myself and my people!" he shouts back as if he were the model soldier preparing for battle, which of course, is essentially what he is.

"Exactly!" Master Achebe proclaims as he claps Jake on the shoulder, then he wanders over to the finish line and waits for the other students to make their way through. "Remember," Master Achebe continues, "there is no shame in running; retreat is always an option. Evasive tactics will be critical to your mission because you won't always be able to stand and fight."

Cameron, Inez, and Aidan--surprisingly--are the next ones to finish the course, and the pain they're suffering for the privilege is evident. Cameron's face scrunches up as he chugs back an entire water bottle in one, long gulp. Inez walks in tiny circles, her arms wrapped so tightly around her midriff, she looks like she's performing a ritual to keep from vomiting. And Aidan is lying flat on his back on the grass, his arms and legs spread wide. His eyes are shut so tight it's painful, and his fingers are clenched into the dirt, like talons, as if he's trying to hold on to both the earth and his consciousness at the same time.

A few minutes later, Fiona, Farid, and Sebastian straggle up to the finish line. All three are a total wreck. Fiona and Sebastian drop to the ground and sit with their knees up, leaning against each other, back-to-back, the only thing propping the other one up, while Farid is hunched over, holding his stomach and wheezing--completely out of breath.

The Vampyr kids aren't proud of coming in last and seem just as surprised by their poor performance as Master Achebe is.

Master Achebe leans in and gently lays a hand on Farid's back, "You okay, son?" he inquires. Farid straightens, his hand resting on his throbbing chest. He draws in a long, painful breath, then tries to speak. He starts to say "I'm fine" but instead coughs violently into his fist. He catches his breath and tries to speak again, but can't get the words out, so eventually he just looks over at Master Achebe and nods.

Master Achebe takes a long look at all three Vampyr kids, and he's concerned. "Hmm..." he says. "I'd always heard that Vampyrs were legendary for their strength and stamina." Master Achebe's eyebrow arches. "But it looks like we'll have to take a few extra measures to get you three into shape."

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