S2-Ep. 4. 11 (R) - An Advdnture Awaits

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Preiously on "The Otherworlders": In Inez's bedroom, she, Fiona, and Ava prepare for the Enchanted Chancellor's Ball. Ava feels her dress lacks elegance, while Fiona despises her plain one and is self-conscious about her "man-arms." 

Inez offers her jewelry, except for her cherished mother's pearls, and encourages the girls to focus on their strengths. 

Discovering the issue is Fiona's dress cut, not her arms, Inez suggests raiding her sister Marisol's closet. Amidst a plethora of gowns, Fiona's defeatism about her looks prompts Inez to play "What Makes You Beautiful" and dance to uplift her. 

Their fun is interrupted by Señor Hidalgo, reminding them of their appointments. After a light-hearted moment and a group selfie, they end the day on a high note, despite their initial reservations.


A black stretch limo barrels through the city center towards the Grand Hall where the Enchanted Chancellor's Ball is to be held. Inez and her father sit on one side of the limousine, while Fiona and Ava sit across the way.

The girls are decked out in vintage dresses, plucked from the depths of Marisol's closet, each designed to show off their most attractive features. Inez wears a black crepe and lace 50's style halter dress, reminiscent of a young Elizabeth Taylor. Fiona wears an off-the-shoulder 60's style gown with a simple black top, a long, shimmery silver skirt and short sleeves that actually compliment her perceived man-arms. Ava wears a one-shouldered, warm cream 70's style gown with an expensive vintage black lace overlay that cost more than every single stitch of clothing in her closet... combined.

The limo pulls to a stop at the head of a dark alley, the shadowy location unexpectedly heightening Fiona's senses, a subtle reminder that she's a Vampyr in Enchanted territory.

Ava and Fiona peek out of the car window, surprised that the neighborhood for an event like this would look so sketchy. Holding up her hand in front of her mouth, Fiona leans over to Ava and asks, "This is where Enchanteds hold their fancy parties?"

Ava leans in, whispers back. "Yeah, not quite what I expected."

The limo driver hops out to open the door. Sr. Hidalgo and Inez pile out of the limousine and then lead Fiona and Ava down a long, dark alleyway that abruptly ends at a solid brick wall.

Nervous, Ava and Fiona exchange confused glances.

Standing in front of the wall is a big burly bouncer, stuffed awkwardly into an ill-fitting tuxedo. He's the sort of man usually working the door at an exclusive nightclub; but instead, he's playing gatekeeper for the season's most anticipated Enchanted event.

As he takes in the potential guests coming his way, his gaze lingers a beat too long on Fiona, and although there's nothing outwardly about her that screams "Vampyr," there's a flicker of recognition that flashes in his eyes.

Fiona swallows hard as Sr. Hidalgo holds his hand out to the man, to show the bouncer his signet ring--a thick gold piece of jewelry with an intricate engraving of the Hildago family crest, denoting the family's station within Enchanted society. The ring serves as his invitation, granting him and his guests access to the event.

The bouncer, instantly recognizing the ring, pulls out a small wand from the interior pocket of his tuxedo jacket. He takes the wand and draws an enormous circle on the wall. Sparks fly as the bricks instantly dissolve into ashes, creating a passageway through the wall and out onto a long walkway lined with a red velvet carpet. Paparazzi — actual paparazzi — line both sides of the walkway, shouting out guests' names and snapping pictures as the Enchanted guests saunter by.

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