S2-Ep. 5.6 (R) - Home, Sweet Home

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": Having botched Master Achebe's team exercise early on in training, Cameron, Jake, and Sebastian are not terribly excited to be reunited again, this time on an actual mission.

However, trying to ignore the insult of Farid, a Second Son, being sent out into the field first, Sebastian is determined to lead his team and make sure that, no matter what happens, they return to the Academy having successfully completed their mission.


Sebastian is sitting on the front steps of the Academy, on the opposite side from Jake and Cameron. They're all waiting for the car that's been ordered to pick them up and take them to their mission.

Farid walks out the front door, nods cordially at Cameron and Jake, and then standing behind his brother, leans forward and slaps his hands onto Sebastian's shoulders.

"Gods, Farid! Don't do that!" Sebastian exclaims, muttering irritably as he presses his phone to his thumping chest. "You gave me a heart attack!"

Farid laughs as he jumps down onto the step below and settles in next to his brother. He leans over and nudges Sebastian with his shoulder. "So, you ready for this?"

Sebastian scrunches up his face in irritation. "Of course, I'm ready!" he says, putting his phone away, then looking back up at Farid. "Oh, you're gonna love this..." He chuckles. "We're being sent to Prince Julian's engagement party for our mission."

"What?!" Farid squints. "You mean your mother's cousin? That Prince Julian?"

"The one and only!" Sebastian confirms.

Farid slaps his cheeks and slowly drags his hands down the sides of his face. "Dude, I'm so glad I didn't get this assignment. I hate those kinds of parties."

"Oh, really, now?" Sebastian leans back and assesses his brother. "I don't see why. All you ever did was hang out in the kitchen with the staff and the other Second Sons, while I died of sheer boredom having gods-awful conversations with Vampyrs more ancient than the pyramids!" He rolls his eyes. "You got off so easy!"

Farid grins. "I know," he says. He had a knack for making himself exceedingly scarce at the many, many formal functions he was forced to attend with his brother.

Farid looks around, assessing the situation. "So, wait. What are you guys doing out here? Aren't you taking the train?"

"No," Sebastian says. "Father got wind that we were attending the party, and he wants us to stop by the house first, since it's on the way. I told him, in that case, he needs to send a car for us."

Farid bows his head, looking rather grim. "Yeah, so about Father..." he begins, "he was acting really weird when he was out here, you know, when they had that big parent's meeting?"

Sebastian leans back and eyes his brother. "Weird how?"

Farid leans forward, and lowering his voice, says, "He wanted to know every last detail about the other kids. Essentially, he asked me to spy for him."

Sebastian's mouth drops open as, at first, he's shocked, then he slowly shakes his head and laughs. "Gods! Never put it past that man to grab any opportunity he can to gain a political advantage!"

Farid chuckles. "Yeah, I know. It's such a classic 'Father' move." He leans in closer. "You do realize that outside of the Masters and the High Council, no one is supposed to know anything about what we do here?"

Sebastian's back stiffens and his eyes narrow, disappointment tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I know very well that what we do here is confidential, Farid!" he snaps. "What do you take me for, an idiot?!"

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