Ep. 3. 18 (R) - Are You Impressed Yet?

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Previously On "The Otherworlders": When Patrick, Farid, and Aidan go to the Sticky Wicket pub, a mysterious stranger catches Aidan's eye. Encouraged by his friends, Aidan steps outside to chat with him... only to be kidnapped by two men in a van.

Guilt-ridden, Patrick and Farid search the outdoor patio for Aidan, with no luck. At a complete loss as to where to look next, the boys catch a break and find Aidan's pet gryphon, Maximus. Believing that Maximus can help them track down their friend, they set out on a mission to save him. Will they find Aidan in time?


Aidan, tied to a chair, huffs out a breath as the black bag is pulled off his head, causing his tousled blond hair to stand up on end. He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the harsh fluorescent lights above him. He finds himself in a cheap, temporary office inside of a nondescript warehouse. Standing before him are two men he doesn't recognize. Thomas is nowhere to be seen.

Aidan looks at the men and laughs nervously.

"All right, fellas..." He squints. "...what's this all about, eh? Did Patrick and Farid put you up to this?" he laughs again.

Man #1 (Tabul) asks, "Who the hell are Patrick and Farid?"

Aidan's nervous smile fades as he realizes this is not a joke. He looks around the room and notices someone standing in the background. It's Minuk. Suddenly, all the puzzle pieces fall into place.

"Okay, I see, I see..." He forces a chuckle. "Maybe you're not trying to pull one over on me." He looks back and forth between the two men. "So...what's this all about then?"

Man #2 (Serik) leans in, his face only inches from Aidan's. "Look, Magic Boy, we ask the questions."

"Magic Boy? Really?" Aidan scoffs through a smirk. "That's the best you got?"

Serik straightens, narrows his eyes, and then backhands Aidan across the cheek.


Aidan's head whips sideways. He freezes a beat before slowly licking a spot of blood from the corner of his mouth. "Okay, that really hurt," he says as he works his jaw, intent on masking fear with a snarky attitude. He turns back and looks up at Serik. "Now, what'd you have to do that for?"

Standing behind Serik, Tabul growls. "Shut up, boy!" he barks, baring his teeth, looking like he's ready to pounce.

Minuk holds up a hand and steps forward to intervene.

"Aidan. It's so nice to see you again." He smiles malevolently, "I'm sure you have many questions and it's only fair that you receive some answers." He pulls a chair up and sits down, leaning back and crossing his legs. "You see, we've brought you here because we thought you could help us with a little problem we're having."

"Well, Minuk," Aidan acknowledges with dripping sarcasm. "It's lovely to see you too. And, you know, I'm more than happy to help you out with your little problem. But, seriously, all you had to do was ask. The whole felony kidnapping thing? Definitely overkill."

Minuk's disingenuous smile fades. His eyes narrow, his expression turning cold and calculating. Sitting perfectly still, it seems as though Aidan's snarky comment might have triggered something volatile and dangerous within him.

But after a beat, Minuk's tight smile returns, and he turns to retrieve something from the folding table next to him. He holds it up in front of Aidan. It's a wooden statue, almost a foot tall, of a skeleton wearing a wolf's head and pelt. The blood dripping from the wolf's fangs makes Aidan's skin crawl.

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