S2-Ep. 4.4 (R) - The Adventure Begins!

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A/N - Just a reminder that I'll be experimenting with posting twice a week - Wednesday & Saturdays by 2:00 pm Pacific time (except for today).

Each chapter will be a bit shorter than past chapters, but for the week, you'll get the same or possibly more story per week.

Let me know what you think and how it affects your reading and commenting habits. So far, the chapters are splitting up nicely. 😄

@justcuriousrey @CreatureTamer @SunsetEverafter @GhOsT994246 @gcginc3 @3ntorely @Abagail- @buddy227 - As long-time readers who read along as I post with awesome insights and often (cough, cough) strong opinions, definitely let me know what y'all think in a week or two. I'll post a question to check in!


Previously on "The Otherworlders" - In Headmaster Pierce's office, Ava arrives early and begins a conversation with Headmaster Pierce. Initially attempting light conversation, Pierce inadvertently triggers Ava's outpouring of frustration over her family dynamics and her mother's gender-biased expectations of her, despite her being the "Chosen One." Drawing from his daughter, Ella's, experience, Headmaster Pierce empathizes and offers his support.

The discussion is interrupted by Fiona and Inez's arrival. Headmaster Pierce hands out favored old-fashioned manilla mission folders and explains that the mission is to attend the Enchanted Chancellor's Ball, leading to Inez's excitement and Fiona's suspicion of receiving a "lesser" mission because they're women. Pierce clarifies that this mission will be aa challange, no matter what they might think.


"Wonderful," Headmaster Pierce begins, "Now, if you'll open your folders we can--"

Fiona shakes her head and laughs. "You know, Headmaster, there is this little thing called email..."

Headmaster Pierce sighs, "Why does everyone want to drag me into the 21st century?" He chuckles. "I simply like the feel of paper. I'm a traditionalist. What can I say?"

"Yeah, tell that to the trees." Fiona murmurs under her breath.

Headmaster Pierce gives her a playfully chastising look, and Fiona shrugs, feigning innocence.

"Can we please focus on the briefing now?" he implores.

In response to nods from all three girls, Headmaster Pierce continues. "So, as far as we know, the tablet fragment you'll be looking for is being housed, out of sight, somewhere within the Chancellor's residence. I've included copies of the building's blueprints in your packets."

The girls leaf through the various documents. Ava pulls out a copy of a blueprint and pours over it. "Headmaster, this is a lot of ground to cover in just one night."

Headmaster Pierce leans back in his chair and taps his fingers together. "Yes, and I do have concerns," He says. "I'll be honest. It won't be easy, locating the artifact in a residence that large, but this ball is our best shot. Based on past events, we know there'll be guards everywhere, but the majority of them will be guarding the attendees. That means there'll be fewer guards roaming the halls or covering other parts of the building, which should give you a tactical advantage. Inez..." he looks at her, "...I believe your talents as a Seer will come in particularly handy on this job."

Inez smiles. "I'm at your service, sir!"

"Excellent!" Headmaster Pierce says with a nod.

Fiona taps her chin as she ponders. "If time really is of the essence, sir," she says, "perhaps Ava and Inez could focus on gathering intelligence from the party, while I enter the building through a different location and focus on reconnaissance and, you know, just skip the party all together."

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