S2-Ep. 5.7 (R) - Welcome to My Lair

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Previously on "The Otherworlders": Sir Geoffrey, having heard that Sebastian's mission will take them to his wife's cousin's engagement party orders Sebastian and his classmates to make a pit stop at the McFadden manor first.

Sebastian sees this as the perfect opportunity to make sure Jake and Cameron are completely up to speed on Vampyric protocol.


Sebastian stands in the doorway of his bedroom and ushers Cameron and Jake inside. Once they're in, he turns, and with an easy sweep of his hand, announces... "This is my room."

Silenced and in awe, Jake and Cameron take in the vastness of the space that is Sebastian's bedroom. It's so big, a family of four could take up residence with comfort and ease.

Glossy wooden furniture, accented with pewter grey pipe fixtures populates the entire space. And with the exposed beams, the hardwood floors, the stark Edison bulbs hanging from the ceiling, and the vintage wire containers and knick-knacks scattered throughout the room, Sebastian's bedroom has the feel of a funky, industrial downtown loft.

As Jake and Cameron look for someplace to discreetly stash their stuff, the door suddenly bursts open, and like a flash of lightning, a six-year-old Mateo McFaddendark floppy hair, big brown eyesraces into the room. Without stopping, he leaps up into Sebastian's arms, causing Sebastian to stumble backwards with an "Oomph!"

"Bash-Bash!" Mateo giggles gleefully as he hooks his arms around Sebastian's neck and gives his brother a big hug.

Sebastian laughs and hugs Mateo back. "Hey, Matty Magpie," he coos, brushing Mateo's unruly bangs aside and kissing him on the forehead. "What's up?"

"Come play with me." Mateo pleas, strategically pouting and hugging his brother even tighter.

Sebastian kisses Mateo on the top of his head before lowering him to the ground. "I can't, buddy," he says apologetically. "I have to study with these guys." He hooks a thumb over his shoulder, pointing at Cameron and Jake, each of them sitting on a couch in a makeshift sitting area at the foot of Sebastian's bed.

Mateo stands with his arms still wrapped around his brother's legs and peeks out at the visitors. When Jake gives him a smile and a subtle nod of his head, Mateo pulls back shyly, burying his face against Sebastian's thigh.

Sebastian turns and looks back over his shoulder. "Sorry. This is my little brother, Mateo. He's, um... well, he's not very good with strangers."

Sebastian tries to gently pry Mateo from his leg with little success. With Mateo still firmly attached to him, Sebastian hobbles over to the door. He pokes his head out and shouts down the hall. "Astrid!" He waits a second, but no response. "Astrid! I know you're in the game room! Come and get Mateo for me... please!"

Within a minute, a lithe and lovely fifteen-year-old girl comes running down the hall, sliding to a stop in front of Sebastian's door. She's dressed in a pink, Juicy Couture tracksuit, made more for fashionable lounging than for any sort of sport. She shares many of Sebastian's features, sable-colored hair — pulled into a high messy bun — bright hazel eyes and pale creamy skin, but her features are more delicate, almost regal.

Although she's clearly been running, she looks remarkably put together, like she made a very determined pit stop at the powder room on her way over.

Sebastian narrows his gaze and takes in Astrid's freshened up appearance as he gently pries Mateo's clenched arms from around his leg and tries to hand him over to his sister. "Can you please take Mateo to his playroom and keep him occupied for a little while?"

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