Ep. 3. 19 (R) - Just a Little Taste

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Master Liu leads Fiona and Sebastian through a tunnel in the basement of the Academy to a very secluded part of the castle. There, she ushers them into a private, underground dining room set up in the wine cellar, specifically for the Vampyrs' use. She indicates for them to take a seat at the table, then joins them.

She looks at her watch. "The donors should be here any minute. But I'm actually glad we have a few minutes alone before they arrive." She smiles nervously, "I know this may all seem a bit overwhelming at first. It certainly was for me when I started live feeding. It actually took me three times before I was able to do it successfully. But don't get deterred. Remember, for us Vampyrs, live feeding is the most natural thing in the world. We're just terribly out of practice since it's been outlawed for so long."

"I remember my first time," Master Liu says almost fondly, a light smile playing at her lips. "My donor had very thin veins, which are terribly hard to pierce." She laughs. "And I kept biting and biting and biting and there was blood everywhere and--"

She stops suddenly, her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "You know what? That's a story for another time."

Sebastian gives her a sly smile. "I wouldn't worry about us, Master Liu. I suspect we'll get the hang of it. I mean it's sort of like riding a bike, isn't it?" Then he quickly adds, "I say that from an evolutionary perspective, of course, not a personal one."

"Of course." Master Liu nods once, grateful for Sebastian's understanding, completely unaware that he's actually an old hat at this.

Master Liu stands. "Well, I'm going to go check on our donors and make sure they didn't get lost trying to make their way down here. You two hang on, okay? I'll be right back."

Master Liu leaves and Fiona blows out a long, slow breath. "Gods, I'm nervous," she says, then she turns to Sebastian. "Why am I so nervous?"

Sebastian chuckles and then wraps his arm around her shoulders to give her a warm, comforting hug. "Fi," he says. "There's nothing to it. Trust me. It's just like Master Liu said: it's the most natural thing in the world."

He gives her one last squeeze and then leans back in his chair, threading his fingers behind his head and kicking his feet out underneath the table. "Listen, just do your best to make the donor feel comfortable, don't forget to say the blessing, and don't get greedy." He stares straight ahead, his thoughts drifting back to that night in the alley. "Definitely don't get greedy. It never ends well when you do."

Fiona blows out another breath and shakes her hands. "I know I shouldn't be weirded out by all of this, but I am. Seriously, when you think that you're actually feeding off of another Otherworlder, it's so overwhelming! Like, you have to look them in the eyes and everything!"

Sebastian laughs as he gives her a side-glance. "You really are overthinking this, Fi. Just let your instincts guide you and you'll be fine."

Master Liu returns and standing in the doorway, she claps her hands in anticipation. "Okay, they're here," she says. "I've put the Donors in separate feeding rooms down the hall so you'll both have the privacy you need. C'mon, guys, follow me."


At the end of a short hallway there's are several alcoves cut out of the stone cut into the stone walls that have been cordoned off to create makeshift feeding rooms.

Master Liu runs them through the process one last time and then leaves to let them get started.

Fiona gives Sebastian, who's heading into his feeding room, a quick tremulous glance, then pulls the heavy velvet curtain aside and steps in.

She looks up and she's stunned.

Standing in front of her is a young man, maybe in his early twenties, leaning against a ruby red chaise lounge, one hand in his jeans pocket, the other casually thumbing through his phone. He smiles at something he sees and his face lights up and his eyes crinkle with amusement.

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